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#1 of 3 This is where it begins...
#2 of 3 "Grandpa's secret.."
#3 of 3 "The Deal"
Masquerade #1 of 3 "Bad Vibes"
Masquerade #2 of 3 "Breaking Foundation"
Masquerade #3 of 3 "Breaking ones spirit"
Crimson Bounty #1 of 3 "Ghost Hunt"
Crimson Bounty #2 of 3 - "Secret Traps"
Crimson Bounty #3 of 3 - "Queen Revival"
Obsession #1 of 3
Obsession 2 of 3
Obsession #3 of 3
Jagger: Ultimate #1 of 3
Jagger: Ultimate #2 of 3
Jagger: Ultimate #3 of 3
Jagger: Dead South #1 of 3
Dead South #2 of 3
Dead South #3 of 3
Jack Knifed #1 of 3
Jack Knifed #2 of 3
Jack Knifed #3 of 3
This maybe the unedited version...