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Ep 1
Ep 2
Ep 3
Ep 4
Ep 5
Ep 6
Ep 7
Ep 8 (fixed)
Ep 9
Ep 10
Ep 11
Ep 12
Ep 13
Ep 14
Ep. 7's and Ep. 9's removal announcement. Ep 14 (fixed)
Ep 15
Ep 16
Last Panel (ep 15) and my Patreon.
Chapter 8 Update Announcement
Ep 17
Side stories 1: Birthday gift
Ep 18: "Dating"
Ep 19: Confession
Ep 20
It's not a new chapter!
Ep 21
Ep 22
Ep 23
Ep 24
Ep 25
Ep 26
Happy New Year 2022!
Ep 27
Ep 28
Ep 28 (p2)
Bonus + Ep. 29's removal announcement
Ep 29
Ep 30
Ep 31
Ep 32
Ep 33 : Caught red-handed!
Ep 34: Paying Back With My Body
Ep 35: "Sweet Dreams, My Love."
Ep 36: A Strange Vampire
Ep 37: "Enzo"
Ep 38: "They're Evil!!!"
Ep 39: "I don’t need any burden other than you."
Ep 40: "Take off your shirt'" p1
Ep 40: "Take off your shirt'" p2
Ep 41
Ep 42: Exchange Condition (P1)
Ep 42: Exchange Condition (P2)
Ep 43: I'll Give You My Answer
Ep 44: Fiancée
Ep 45: The Reason
Ep 46-1: Investigation
Ep 46-2
Ep 47-1: Suspicion
Ep 47-2
Ep 48: Snow White Comes
Ep 49
Ep 50
Ep 52: Sedution
Ep 53: "You’re here."
Ep 54: An Acquaintance
Ep 55
Ep 56: The Purpose
Ep 57
Ep 58: Beauty and the Monster
Ep 59: Everyone’s Goals
Ep 60-1 : Refusal
Ep 60-2
Ep 61-1 : Confirmation
Ep 61-2: Confirmation
Ep 62: Trapped
Ep. 63: Time’s Up
Ep 64
Ep. 65: Who?
Ep. 66: In the Dark
Ep 67: The Boyfriend’s Request
Ep. 68: Nightmares
Ep. 69: The Monster’s Love Letter
Ep 70: Boyfriend Introduction
Ep. 71: “Objection!”
Ep. 72: Family
Ep 73: Naughty boy
Ep 74: Kiss~~
Ep. 75: “He has a broad chest, and that bouncy butt, too.”
Ep. 76: Waking Up the Prince Pt. 1
Ep. 76: Waking Up the Prince Pt. 2
Ep. 77: Kinks
Ep. 78: Vengeance Will Be Mine~ (NSFW)
“Help me.”
This episode’s removal notice
Ep. 81: Midnight Interrogation
Ep. 82: Not Worthy of Death Sentence
Ep. 83: On Impulse
Ep 84: “She Needed No Competition.”
Ep. 85: Straightforward
Ep. 86: Do Whatever You Want ( End of SS1)
Ep. 87: Stories from the Past (SS2)
Ep. 88: Erza
Ep 89: Eleanor
Ep. 90: First Encounter
Ep. 91: A Special Someone
Ep 92
Ep 93
Ep. 94: Danger
Ep. 95: Rescue
Ep. 96: Inquiry
Ep. 97: String-puller
Ep. 98: Sleeping Together
Ep. 99: Sleepwalking
Ep 100
Ep 101
Ep. 102: Returning
Ep. 103: Exposing
Ep 104
105: Hesitation & Notice
106: Turned Down
Ep 107
A Thank-You Message and Notice
Ep. 108: Infiltration
Ep. 109: Who Will Be the Heir to the Throne?
Ep 110: Behind the Closed Door
Ep 111: Ponderation
Ep. 112: Found Out
Ep 113
Ep 114
Ep 115
Ep 116
Ep 117
Notice regarding ep. 118
Ep 119
Ep 120
Ep 121
Ep 122
Ep 123
Ep 124
Ep 125
Ep 126
Ep 127
Ep 128
Ep 129
Ep 130
Ep 131
Ep 132
Ep 133
Ep 134
Ep 135
Ep 136
Ep 137
Ep 138
Ep 139
Ep 140
Heaven and hell are only one dialogue box away ~~