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track one
track two
track three
track four
track five
track six
track seven
track eight
track nine
track ten
track eleven
track twelve
track thirteen
track fourteen
track fifteen
track sixteen
track seventeen
track eighteen
track nineteen
track twenty
track twenty-one
track twenty-two
track twenty-three
track twenty-four
track twenty-five
clary's adventures 01
clary's adventures 02
track twenty-six
track twenty-seven
clary's adventures 03
clary's adventures 04
clary's adventures 05
wanted to quickly clarify that i'm doing alright!! but anyway since like age fifteen or smth i've had this feeling of perpetual loss of like... losing smth that never belonged to me in the first place. i'm not doing a great job of describing it but that's kinda what i'm going for here with the art :))