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- Story Time
- Once upon a time
- Delicacies
- Magical Summer
- Number one
- Good bite
- Healing
- Mermaid madness
- Tiny Droplet
- Musclebound
- Kalypso
- Mysterious Flavor
- Cold Awakening
- A wild Author appears!
- Being Cheeky
- It's a Date
- Sea Food
- Obligatory Christmas Special
- Shopping Tour
- On a Leash
- Unhuman Daughters 1#
- A Delicate Question
- Supreme Heritage
- Nightly Confession
- Of Dogs and Dragons 1#
- Of Dogs and Dragons 2#
As said, definitely check out the next episode to make your judgement for the possible future of Human Dad. And if you want to contact me or ask something, then this is the adress: