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Become a Patron- Intro!
- Big Chain Coffee
- Flashback!
- The Beach
- When It Rains--
- Huh. That's Weird.
- We're Magical Girls!
- Evoke With Your Heart
- The Dress / Present Time
- Photoshoot~
- Piranha Attack!
- Argument // Part One FINALE
- Intermission - You're Hired
- Dreams and Missed Swings
- Weekend Routines
- Tin Foil Hat
- Apology Accepted!
- Insolent Fools
- Jalissa Punches a Shark
- Back To Routine
- It's Okay!
- Why Are You Like This?
- Cooking with Kim
- TFW You Accidentally Flood a Fitting Room
- Judgement Day
- No Time For Soliloquy
- The Golden Arches
- War, Peace, Sugar and MSG
- Between a Rock and a Hard Place
- The Dress
- Getting Deep
- Turning Tides
- Traitor
- Battle of Wits
- There Can Be Only One
- Fakeout
- We Saved the World!
- FINALE pt1
- FINALE pt2
- [New HoverGirls Sneak Peak]
This was fun to make :') I'll talk more about it and share some extra art etc at a later date. Just in shock this was even completed, messy as it is in spots XD Your readership means a lot, thank you all so much