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riding lesson
touch and go
touch and go (part 2)
for I must go
it doesn’t matter where you go, you’ll always come back
I’ll always be waiting for you
I’ll always be waiting for you (part 2)
for I must go (part 2)
when the world was young
when the world was young (part 2)
when the world was young (part 3)
when the world moves on without you
when the world moves on without you (part 2)
chasing the world
chasing the world (part 2)
the world chases you
for I must go (part 3)
for I must go (part 4)
the world chases you (part 2)
when the world was young again
life in slow motion
life in slow motion (part 2)
life in slow motion (part 3)
you think you're better than me?
you think you're better than me? (part 2)
life in slow motion (part 4)
bird watcher
life in slow motion (part 5)
life in slow motion (part 6)
life in slow motion (part 7)
life in slow motion (part 8)
am I worth more than birds?
without regret
without regret (part 2)
without regret (part 3)
without regret (part 4)
you're my dream, you're my nightmare
you're my dream, you're my nightmare (part 2)
you're my dream, you're my nightmare (part 3)
you're my dream, you're my nightmare (part 4)
I'd trudge through hell and back to bring you back
we were a family pulled from the flood
we were a family pulled from the flood (part 2)
I'll be ready for a funeral
I'll be ready for a funeral (part 2)
where I can't see you
where you can't see me
not lost to memory, nor lost to love
all I could do for you
have I found you?
for I must never come back
all I want to do is make you feel OK
angel from the blue
angel from the blue (part 2)
angel from the blue (part 3)
angel from the blue (part 4)
where are you now?
where will you go?
call for me
call for me (part 2)
call for me (part 3)
what you meant to me
life goes on, even without you
life goes on, even without you (part 2)
life goes on, even with you (part 3)
where the light never touches
the boy I loved
honey eyed
the devil and I
the devil and I (part 2)
the boy I loved (part 2)
the boy I loved (part 3)
the boy I loved (part 4)
the girl I loved
the girl I loved (part 2)
the girl I loved (part 3)
the girl I loved (part 4)
the boy I loved (part 5)
I never asked this of you
I never asked this of you (part 2)
I never asked this of you (part 3)
the devil and I (part 3)
I never asked this of you (part 4)
in from the dream
it's every day you show me proof
head in the clouds
golden hour
night and day
the real you, the original you
where shall we go?
two words
forever and a day
all I ever wanted