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Become a Patron- The Snooze Button
- Catching the Beelzebus
- Dog Souls are the Best Souls
- Such Fun
- The Beelzeboss
- Definitely Delete the Search History
- Local Cockatrices
- Local Gorgons
- Horror of Eternity
- Executive Decisions
- Hold, Please
- "Important"
- Tumour Muzak
- An Accounting of Harpies
- The Daily Regret
- The Best Teacher
- Emotional Toner
- Illusionary Photocopiers
- "Busy"
- Toner Rejected
- What The Here?
- Intern, Slave, Serf... Pick One
- Nobody Calls You
- Hell-Slave-Money
- Go Jump in a Lake of Fire
- Running Improvement
- Running of the Sheilas
- Femur Harmonica
- Forgetful
- He Thinks He's Funny
- Nicknames
- Why Do We Have This Place!?
- Reading is Hard
- The Sticky Notes of Self-Confidence
- He's Right Behind Me, Isn't He?
- Cockatrice Butts 2: The Re-Butting
- 99 Printers and I Forgot Which One
- Yo Yo Yo, Kick It
- Never Stop Screaming
- Your Plans Mean Nothing to Me
- Your Plans Mean Nothing to the Photocopier
- Horny for Work
- Work the Butts
- Actual Chlamydia
- How!?
- Meat-ing
- Have a Nice Trip
- "Or Something"
- And His Brain Vomited Forever
- Nobody Reads the Fine Print
- Candied Sheep Day
- The Bravest I.T. Imp
- The Word is Butts
- His Brain Screamed
- Training Day
- Sleeve Time
- Shredder Sans Mutagen
- Intern Stuff
- Toast
- Fire Water
- Workin' Hard or Hardly Workin'?
- Canadian Standoff
- The Chase
- Suffer in Silence
- Are Glass Chips Not Food?
- I Think I Broke It
- The Line
- Nom Nom Nom
- Comedy
- Honourable, Horrible Monster
- After-Afterlife
- Seasons in the Abyss
- The Sellout
- The Annual Candied Sheep Riot
- Problem Solving
- No Plan
- Doug Flutie
- Panic Rules
- Satan Give Me Health Insurance
- Ghost Butts
- I Don't Make The Rules
- Operation: Flee in Terror
- Muster Point Massacre
- Couch Spiders
- Abandon All Hope
- Exorcise Exercise
- Fart Bus
- Candied Sheep Lung
- Summoned
- Mandatory Intramural Slo-Pitch
- Mandatory Intramural Overtime
- All Practice All The Time
- Hats, Crushers of Emotions
- Nuclear Fishin'
- Mucilaginous
- Inarticulate Rage
- Promotions
- Technical Terms
- How We Do Things Here
- Skyrocketed
- Home Run
- Pretend Rummaging
- The Pain of Comedy
- Visions of Horror and Tetris
- Butt Fusion
- Potato?
- If I Don't Laugh, I'll Cry
- Vital Knowledge
- Be the Cockatrice Butt
- Eyes on the Prize
- Pot vs. Kettle
- Arms Like Noodles
- Sweaty Steve
- Shots, Shots, Shotsshotsshots
- First Responders
- They'll Find a Way to Kill Her Again
- Princess of Hell
- Drag Me to Hell (From Elsewhere in Hell)
- The Floor is Lava
- It Would Have Been Better to Eat a Person
- Untitled Hell Comic
- Taking the Stairs
- You WANTED to Melt Your Skin Off
- Friiiiiends
- Don't Book a Massage in Hell
- Too Much? Too Much
- Failure to Toady
- A Very Normal Face
- The Bad Chair
- R.I.P. Your Butt
- Tetris Brain
- The Bad Chair Wars
- Sneakity Swappity
- Forgot How to Chair
- You're Scheming Too Loud
- Chair Crimes
- The Mediocre-est Laid Plans
- Office Ninja
- Ping Pong Plan
- Something a Coat Rack Would Say
- The Great Escape
- The Opportunity Cost of Chairs
- Anthropomorphized Shapes
- Anthropomorphized Shapesball
- Reasonable Practice Schedule
- Champions
- Montageball
- Time is a Flat Diamond
- I Live Here Now
- Brain Genius
- Satan was a Typo
- Stan's Satanic All-Stars
- Super Sweaty Steve
- Homer'd
- No Effort All-Stars
- Actually Try, Now
- Emotional Growth
- Somebody Else to Blame
- Champions of Unpaid Overtime
- The Most Terrible Punishment
- Terrible Step-stool
- A Promotion's a Promotion
- Demoted
- Greatest Hits
- No Fun with the Bad Chair
- Busted
- Re-promoted
- Subtlety
- Gloating Doesn't Have to Make Sense
- Stingerless Bees my Butt
- Clear Eyes, Full of Bees, Can't Lose
- Scrumptiosity
- Fried Tires and Nuclear Fish
- Worst Person in Hell
- Immediate Regret
- Less Immediate Regret
- Carry On
- Fired into the Sun
- This Shall Not Stand
- Punishful Punishosity
- Punishment Delivery
- Professional Sit-Downers
- Deflated
- Hell, Inc. and the Deathly Silence
- A Great Start
- Very Different Problems
- Work Purposes
- I.T. to the Rescue
- Ambient Misery
- Puzzled
- Nothing to See Here
- Tetris Must Be Destroyed
- Puzzle It Out
- No Plan for Dying Inside
- Secret Misery Weapon
- A Very Short Mystery
- No Fun For You
- The Normalest
- That Good Misery
- Solid Sara
- Lava Bees
- Dumb Dummy
- Butt Schedule
- Traumatized Again
- Drinkable Plans
- Extreme Christmas Measures
- A Good Pull
- O'Helliplans
- Favourite Person-Adjacent-Demon-Thing
- A Third Thing
- Soul Searching
- The Wrong Focus
- Work Place Skeleton Face
- Good at Being a Face
- Object Permanence
- The Shape of a Name
- That Good Motor Oil
- Jazz Hands!
- The Perfect Unsaid Plan
- One of THOSE Jobs
- Voluntold
- Probably Not the Worst Job
- Correct Cowards
- The Client Yeeting Department
- Cerberus
- Back Soup
- Don't Suggest It
- My Hero's Broken Body
- All Jobs Involve Cerberus Pee
- The Most Productive
- Totally Under Control
- The Secret Technique
- Not A Good Time
- Never (Immediately) Forget
- Exhausted
- Antifreeze Vibrations
- Butt-based Stealth
- The Boot-Lickening
- Excellent Taste
- Pretend Motivation
- Schadenfreude
- Wrong for the Job
- Not an Angel Drill
- The Angel of Face Melting
- Don't Look at the Sun... er, Angels
- The Running of the Skeletons
- The Only One Allowed to Puke
- Happy?
- Cheers
- Santa Sez
- Punishment Drink?
- What Drinking is About
- One For Everybody
- Solidarity
- Christmas Party Benefits
- Sheila's Sign Language
- Spiritual Quest
- A Skeleton Lover or a Skeleton Fighter?
- Iterative Toasts
- Evolution of Dance?
- Diance Party
- Topics of Conversation
- Anti-gravity Spiders
- Spirit-ual Journey
- Bridget, Bar Fight Champion of Hell
- That Old Femur Harmonica Song and Dance
- How Many is Too Many?
- What's Your Move?
- What to Do With an Eternity
- A More Interesting Topic
- Even and Sticky
- Sobering Sponge
- Keep Dancing Until Santa Replaces Your Blood
- Hard to Get
- Against Helen's Love
- Chaotic Helen Noises
- Cartoon Brawling Dust Clouds
- Drunk Santa vs. Ceiling Skeleton
- The Most Christmas Party
- The Bill
- Ladies Man Doug
- Time Keeps on Ticking
- Spiralling Wildly
- Running for the Beelzebus
- Next Bus?
- Universal Job Badness
- Hell Transit, Inc.
- Bat-Steve
- Helen the Cat
- You Forgot Something
- The Bus Waits for No Demon
- Hindsight
- The Worst Morning