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Become a PatronTrue love <3
Like a prayer
True beauty
One man's curse is another man's treasure
Nothing goes unpunished
Dog spelled backwards is God
The best prank
Cerberus origins
Fearless Guardian
Service dog
Three times more
All work and no play makes jack a dull boy
Flower lover (part 1)
Flower lover (part 2)
Flower lover (part 3)
Hades declaration (Hades/Persephone story part 1)
Wingman Cerbie (Hades/Persephone story part 2)
First date (Hades/Persephone story part 3)
Demeter's encounter (Hades/Persephone story part 4)
Demeter's talk (Hades/Persephone story part 5)
Godly wisdom (Hades/Persephone story part 6)
Life Guide (Hades/Persephone story part 7)
No Pain No Gain (Hades/Persephone story part 8)
Garden prisoner (Hades/Persephone story part 9)
Kicked Out (Hades/Persephone story part 10)
Gaia's Truth (Hades/Persephone story part 11)
Reunited (Hades/Persephone story part 12)
Customer is always right
Clumsy Hydra
Honey Cake Part 1/3
Honey Cake Part 2/3
Honey cake Part 3/3
Hades' new hobby
Trouble in Par(k)adise Part1/2
Trouble in Par(k)adise Part2/2
Can't see the forest for the tree
Three-headed Kraken
Friendly Fire
Guarding the gate
Merry Christmas from Santa Zeus !
I was lightning before the thunder, Thunder, thunder...
Happy wife, Happy afterlife
Juicy Sacrifice 🩸🩸🩸
Squeak, Squeak
Big Nap Part 1/3
Big Nap part 2/3
Big Nap Part 3/3
The Right Kind of Sacrifices
Halloween Massacre
Underworld jogging
Lost Part 1/5
Lost Part 2/5
Lost Part 3/5
Lost Part 4/5
Lost Part 5/5
Picking a bone
Merry Christmas
Out of this world Beauty
killing your darlings
Baby Sitter
Thorny dreams
Gaming Setup
Topiary Art
Guardian training
I'm Back !
Why make it simple when you can make it complicated?
Demeter making things right ! Also, that's the ending of this arc :)