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Become a PatronBacon, Plant, and Slug
Pilot, Snake, and Gunner
Horse, Tea, and Friends
Secretary, Blackbird, and Treason
Test, Lead, and Emergency
Human, Zoltan, and Lanius
Rock, Earth, and Radiation
Time, Energy, and Survive
Strange, Contact, Scratches
Invaded, Eating, and Depressurizing
Breathe, Froze, and Gold
Ambassador, Missing, and Curse
Capitol, Zelkat, and Shay
VIPs, Lacerta, and Ardea
Envoy, Everything, and Helfurino
Curious, Koad, and Greywolf
Silver, Squishy, and Squeak
Bit, Graggrag, and Havoc
Starving, Mouth, and Nice
Hopes, Royger, and Jnn
Friends, Monday, and Harvesting
Help, Haka, and Gotcha
Continue, Unfair, and Don't
Predator, Jersey, Zombie
Doctor, Simon, and Calculated
Ricardo, Fly, Lab, and Tired
Mission, Danger, and Potential
Morning, Jericho, Cool, and Chair
Nnenn, Winglets, Soon, and Cow
Sambo, Blackbird, and Weird
Backseat, Sushi, and Bunker
Previously on Kestrel Adventures: In order to search the Rebel homeworld for their long-lost mother, the brothers Jose and Ricardo sabotaged their ship's FTL drive by throwing a strip of bacon into their ship's reactor. The bacon disappeared, and has mysteriously returned.