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Become a Patron- Chapter 1: 1-4
- Chapter 1: 5-7
- 2nd Anniversary Giveaway
- Chapter 1: 8-10
- Chapter 1: 11-12
- Chapter 1: 13-14
- Chapter 1: Q&A
- Chapter 2: 1-2 and Giveaway result
- Chapter 2: 3-5
- Chapter 2: 6-8
- Chapter 2: 9-10
- Chapter 2: 11-12
- Chapter 2: 13-14
- Chapter 2: 15-16
- Chapter 2.1: Q&A
- Chapter 2: 17
- Chapter 2: 18-19
- Chapter 2: 20-21
- Chapter 2: 22
- Chapter 2: 23-24
- Chapter 2: 25
- Chapter 2.2: Q&A
- Chapter 3: 1
- Chapter 3: 2-3
- Chapter 3: 4-5
- Chapter 3: 6-7
- Chapter 3: 8-9
- Chapter 3: 10-11
- Chapter 3: 12-13
- Chapter 3: 14-15
- Chapter 3: 16
- Chapter 3: 17-19
- Chapter 3: 20 and Bonus
- Hugo's bday (surprise update!)
- Chapter 3.1: Q&A
- Chapter 3: 21-22
- Chapter 3: 23-24
- Chapter 3: 25
- Chapter 3: 26-28
- Chapter 3: 29
- Chapter 3: 30-32
- Halloween, Part 1
- Halloween, Part 2
- Happy New Year!
- Halloween, Part 3
- Chapter 3: 33-34
- Chapter 3: 35-37
- Chapter 3: 38-39
- Chapter 3: 40-41
- Chapter 3: 42-43
- Chapter 3: 44-45
- Chapter 3: 46-47
- Chapter 3: 48-49
- Chapter 3: 50-51
- Chapter 3: 52
- Chapter 3: 53 + bonus
- Chapter 3: Q&A 1
- Chapter 3: Q&A 2
- Chapter 4: 1-2
- Chapter 3: Q&A 3 (last)
- Chapter 4: 3
- Chapter 4: 4-5
- (COLLAB) Happy Halloween from your Canvas Creators!
- Chapter 4: 6-7
- Chapter 4: 8
- Chapter 4: 9 +bonus
- Chapter 4: 10
- Happy Holidays!
- Advent Calendar Collab!
- Chapter 4: 11
- Chapter 4: 12
- Chapter 4: 13-14
- ❤Happy Valentines!❤
- Chapter 4: 15
- Chapter 4: 16-17
- Q&A and DTIYS
- Chapter 4: 18-19
- Chapter 4: Q&A (1/3)
- Chapter 4: Q&A (2/3)
- Challenges and Sneak Peek of Ch 5
- Chapter 4: Q&A (3/3)
- Chapter 5: Restart & Retry
- Chapter 5: 3-4
- Chapter 5: 5-6
- Happy Pride!
- Chapter 5: 7-9
- Pride Game Collab!
- Chapter 5: 10
- Chapter 5: 11
- Chapter 5: 12
- Chapter 5: 13
- Chapter 5: 14
- Chapter 5: 15 + Thanks for 26k!
- Chapter 5: 16
- Chapter 5: 17
- Chapter 5: 18
- Chapter 5: 19
- Chapter 5: 20
- Chapter 5: 21
- Moon Festival: Collab
- Chapter 5: 22
- Chapter 5: 23
- Chapter 5: 24
- Chapter 5: 25 - 26
- Chapter 5: Q&A
- Chapter 6: 1
- Happy Halloween!
- Chapter 6: 2
- Chapter 6: 3
- Chapter 6: 4-5
- Chapter 6: 6
- Chapter 6: 7
- Canvas Holiday Heist Collab
- Happy New Year!
- Chapter 6: 8
- Chapter 6: 9
- Chapter 6: 10
- Chapter 6: 11
- Chapter 6: 12
- Chapter 6: 13
- Chapter 6: 14
- Chapter 6: 15
- Chapter 6: 16
- Chapter 6: 17
- Chapter 6: 18
- Hey
- Chapter 6: 19 Chris and Twist's Secret
- Chapter 6: 20 Leo pat pot pets Alex
- Chapter 6: 21
- Chapter 6: 22
- Chapter 6: 23
- Chapter 6: 24
- Chapter 6: 25
- Chapter 6: 26
- Chapter 6: 27 Chris protecc
- Chapter 6: Alex flees the scene
- Chapter 6: 29 YOu wON't bELIievE whAT haPPENed in THe LAB(?)
- Chapter : 30 + Happy Pride!
- Chapter 6: 31
- ❤️ Summer Sweets ❤️
- Chapter 6: 32
- Chapter 6: 33
- Chapter 6: 34
- Chapter 6: 35
- Chapter 7: 1-2
- Chapter 7: 3
- Chapter 7: 4
- Chapter 7: 5
- Chapter 7: 6
- Chapter 7: 7
- Chapter 7: 8 - Gift reveal!
- Chapter 7: 9 - Could we...?
- Chapter 7: 10
- Trick or Treat!
- Chapter 7: 11 - It feels nice...
- Chapter 7: 12
- Chapter 7: 13
- Chapter 7: 14 15 - Idk what to do do with this
- Chapter 7: 16 Someone had to say it
- Happy Birthday, Leo!
- Chapter 7: 17
- Chapter 7: 18
- Chapter 7: 19
- Chapter 7: 20
- Chapter 7: 21
- Chapter 7: 22 - 23
- A little break!
- Surprise! New website :D
- Chapter 8: The one I like (1-2)
- Chapter 8: 3
- Chapter 8: 4
- Chapter 8: 5-6
- Chapter 8: 7
- Chapter 8: 8
- Chapter 8: 9-10
- Chapter 8: 11
- Chapter 8: 12
- Chapter 8: 13-14
- Chapter 8: 15
- Chapter 8: 16-17
- News!
- More news! and a little sneak peek
Next update will be next week! *v* how exciting is that?