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Become a Patron1 - Intro
Episode 2 - Survival
Episode 3 - Avoidance
Episode 4 - Awkwardness
Episode 5 - Apology
Filler - FTL Vintage
Notice 9-22-18
Notice - Inktober
Update 12-7-18
Episode 6 - Playtime (Part 1)
Episode 6 - Playtime (Part 2)
Ep 7 Teaser
Episode 7 - Fears
Episode 8 - Acquaintance
Hiatus Notice-November 2019
Inksgiving 2019 (on Tapas)!
Happy (Belated) Thanksgiving!
Sorry for the long wait. D= I'm still working on things. My tablet's pen and cable are broken and my desktop's PSU is dying. I'm working strictly from my laptop, atm. Things like to break down all at once, right? =P I'm grateful to have readers who are willing to wait while I sort stuff out =) <3 Thanks for hanging in there! Tapas link! https://tapas.io/series/Fear-to-Love