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1. strange guy
2. silence…
3. rude idol
4. an offer
5. treadmill fun
6. thougts…
7. sixpack allert
8. too comfy
9. Did you see that hot guy?!
10. frozen coffee
11. thump thump
12. skip out
13. girlfriend?!
14. persuation
15. drinking and embarrassing
16. bleached hair
17. high monthly contributions
18. In Line
19. Full of yourself
20. best friends!
hello :):):)
21. peperoni or gorgonzola?
22. dancing letters
23. jill and jake
24. Of mistresses and concubines
25. dentist appointment
26. emotional chaos
27. (disclaimer) a scary moment part 1
28. (disclaimer) a scary moment part 2
29. your bedding smells like you
30. weird feelings
31. Dead spot
32. miss you
33. Nice Roomates
34. from cupid’s arrows
35. I want a sprite!
36. shared apartment
37. do you want me to say no?
38. Hair Powder
39. Coward
40. shock
41. girlfriend?!!! Part Two