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- Preview
- Chapter 1: Pt. 1
- Extra: Character Sneak Peek
- Chapter 1: Pt. 2
- Extra: Fancy Casper
- Hiatus for a month
- I'm back!
- Chapter 1: Part 3
- Extra!
- Happy Halloween!
- Chapter 1: Part 4
- Happy Holidays!!
- Extra
- Chapter 1: Part 5
- Chapter 1: Final part
- Q&A Notice
- Q&A Pt.1
- Sweet Revenge
- Chapter 2: Pt. 1
- Q&A Pt. 2
- Chapter 2: Pt. 2
- Extraa
- Extra [Read author's note please]
- Notice
- Happy Halloween!
Right when I went on hiatus a LOT of craziness happened XD But everythings good now and ready to get back into publishing! Thank you to all who waited and for those who checked up on me in chat~ Appreciate it really!! Can't wait to come back!!