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Become a PatronChapter 1- I Know Myself, Right?
"I Hate the Sponsor Breaks..."
Lost Will
What Happened?
No Big Deal
Calm Down
Not Tame
Chapter 2- I'm a WHAT?!
Is This What You Wanted?
Back Home...
Fear and Guilt
Cut Him Out
"Come Back Here" (TW: Slurs)
The Other One
What Exactly Are You?
"I Said I Don't Know!"
Back to Normal
You Define You
"I Don't Acually Want This, Do I?"
Chapter 3- Chipping Away...
Drawing Demons?
Watching a Movie
"So Pretty!"
"What You've Just Unleashed"
Girl's Day Out
At the Mall
"Guys Can Like That Stuff Too"
Found Out
"You're not me"
Chapter 4- Shattered Shell
Back to School
Great, More Reactions
The Egg Shatters
Hide Me
Inside and Out
Keep at it!
A New World of Joy
A New World of Pain
A Warning
Chapter 5- Trauma
"Where are your clothes?" (CW: Transphobia, Slapping)
"All You've Done Is Hurt Me" (CW: Transphobia)
Dad Can't Help You (CW: Forced Haircut, Transphobia)
"Get. Up."
"This Should Do It!" (CW: Physical Abuse)
Monster (CW: Intrusive Thoughts)
Chapter 6- Pain
Boymode: Activated
Into the Darkness
Eclipse (CW: Flashback)
Waking into a Nightmare
"What's wrong, Will?"
Breathe With Me
Fleeting Light
Returning Demons (CW: Intrusive Thoughts)
Unwanted Makeover
Climbing out of Rock Bottom (CW: Suicidal Thoughts)
Ripping off the Bandages (CW: Blood)
A Drastic Act of Self Care
After surviving the prior night, Will must go to school and endure her newfound trauma. Being pushed to the brink, she must decide to make a big risk to be happy or continue down a path that might lead to her death.