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- Oblivious Egg
- Coming Out To That One Friend
- Driving Euphoria
- One of the Few Problems With Taking Estrogen
- From Oblivious Egg to Oblivious Ace
- Pure Confusion
- The 5 Stages of My Egg Cracking
- I make people want to Ultrakill themselves
- Instant Regret
- I'm pretty lazy
- Oh So Forgetful
- Aesthetic Attraction
- Just Be Yourself
- Truth Or Dare
- New Outfit
- Disgusting
- Good Girl
- How I Feel As a Non-American Right Now
- Attention Span
- It’s Subjective
- “Illegal” Shipping
- Pent Up Anxiety
- Christmas Eve
- A Different Kind of Scary
Personally I feel like a dog when someone calls me a “good girl”, not exactly my style