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P1: Character Creation
P2: Character Creation p2
P3: Important Side Quests
P4: Love at first sight
P5: Cute Enemies are still Enemies
P6: The knight in low level armor
P7: Hello Future Husband
P8: Remember to mute your mic!
P9: Let's form a party!
P10: Join the darkness!
P11: Meet the Dark Mistress!
P12: Is this how good RNG feels like?
P13: Opening Pandoras Box
P14: Who needs money when you can look fabulous?
P15: This game isn't Pay2Win!
P16: Better safe than sorry
P17: The Dark Lords Power
P18: Loot!
P19: Goodbye, my Love!
P20: Not gonna play without him
P21: Guild Recruitment
Character Profile: SOPHIE
P22: Where is my sacrificial dagger?
P23: At least we tried.
P24: You'll never be safe
P25: Let's do some dungeons!
Character Profile: SIEGFRIED
P26: Check your Connection!
P27: Time for a better connection
P28: They are coming
P29: False Expectations
P30: Send me the good stuff!
P31: I almost sacrificed a soul for THAT?!
Character Profile: MORGANA
P32: Healer of the Year
SPECIAL: Special Gifts
P33: Without a Trace
P34: Face Reveal
P35: The Return of the Noob (Part 1)
P36: The Return of the Noob (Part 2)
P37: The Return of the Noob (Part 3)
P38: Here comes a new Challenger!
P39: Lovely Bully
P40: Just kidding!
P41: Be gentle
SPECIAL: Valentine's Day
P42: Morgana is back!
P43: Is that a Reference...?
P44: Let's not talk about RL ingame, okay?
P45: Beware of Childhood Friends!
P46: Never judge a book by its cover!
P47: Let me teach you!
P48: Let the grindfest begin
P49: Let's grind together next time...
Character Profile: MINAMI
P50: To the Market Board!!
P51: Busted!
Character Profile: MEDI
P52: Time for a Mascot Character!
P53: But its adorable!
P54: Abraxas
P55: More time to grind
P56: Always look on the bright side...
P57: Don't underestimate my power!
P58: You've got mail!
P59: Lets talk about a worthy reward!
P60: How about a "hug"?
P61: Time for a offline meeting!
EVENT: Summer Time! Part 1
EVENT: Summer Time! Part 2
EVENT: Summer Time! Part 3 (END)
P62: I'm in control here!
P63: Time to get a job!
P64: Hardest job interview ever
P65: This is fine...
P66: You had it coming
P67: The true power of darkness! P1
P68: The true power of darkness! P2
P69: The true power of darkness! P3
P70: Let's meet in RL!
P71: Date Preparations (Sophie Version)
P72: Date Preparations (Siegfried Version)
P73: I can't stay. My future husband needs me!
EVENT: Happy Halloween!
P74: Going on a dangerous journey
P75: Lasting first impression (Siegfried Version)
P76: Lasting first impression (Sophie Version)
P77: False Expectations
P78: Are you listening??
Character Profile: Siegfried UPDATE
P79: Let's take cute pictures together!
P80: Wait a second, aren't you kinda rich?
P81: You win some, you lose some
P82: How dense can you be, Sieg?
P83: Don't be dramatic
P84: Look how happy I am!
P85: New style, old problems!
P86: My savior!
SPECIAL: Q&A Session!
P87: Giving compliments is hard
P88: It's just a subtle change, okay?!
P89: New race
P90: Looking for a slav- I mean party member! [Part1]
P91: Wrong Person
P92: The perfect servant
P93: You need an edgy nickname to serve me!
[SPECIAL] Meet the new protagonist!
P94: A Troll's biggest weakness
P95: Never trust a troll!
P96: Not edgy enough?
P97: Time for some fanservice!
P98: Being a mother is harder than endgame content!
P99: wb brb
P100: Lets celebrate!!
P101: He is back...
P102: Please accept this flower, my love
P103: Snap out of it
P104: Time for the next Target!
P105: Time for some revenge!
P106: It's about punishment, okay?!
P107: Behold, my true power!!
P108: Just you wait...!
P109: Wait Time's over...
P110: Wedding Chimes
P111: Feeling Shy
P112: Time to learn another language!
P113: What a nice troll!
P114: Basic Knowledge
P115: We still need someone else tho...
[INTERMISSION] Training Session with Morgana and Bellamy
P116: We need a party member!
P117: Atlas
P118: Too much excitement!
119: Better start running now
120: All Alone
P121: Away
122: Enough
123: Quick Find
124: Proposing
125: Bribe
126: Sorry for being so weak...
Character Profile: Sorai_Bear
P127: The price of good armor
P128: Enjoying the Sight
P129: Fancy new equipment
SPECIAL: Happy Holidays!
P130: Monsters have feelings too!
P131: Respawning friends
P132: On second thought...
P133: Special Delivery
P134: Another Trip to the Orc Dungeon
P135: That ruined my epic exit...
P136: That name was a mistake
SPECIAL: Happy Valentines Day 2020
P137: Sincere Apology
P138: Big Money
P139: Crafter to the Resue!
P140: Pick a Name!
P141: Our new Guild will be called...!
P142: Sophie is unstoppable
P143: Guilds are expensive
144: Everything in life has its price!
P145: Sorai messed up
P146: Does she really act that way?
P147: Second-Guessing
P148: Back to the roots
P149: Yep, totally fine...
UPDATE: Twitter and Voice Actors!!
P150: Be careful with those sliders...
151: A strange coincidence
P152: How unoriginal...
P153: Definitely not suspicious at all
P154: Trust the "Expert"
P155: First Game Encounter
P156: Awkward Mistake
P157: Target spotted
P158: Bye
P159: Acting rude for the right reason
P160: Knockout
P161: Absent-minded
P162: Mandatory (RL) Quest
SPECIAL: 3rd Year Anniversary
P163: Legendary Armor Set
P164: Can I help you?
P165: Where are you looking at?
P166: Touchy Situation
P167: Convincing
P168: Natural Conversation
P169: Sudden Panic
P170: Yep, that's it!
P171: Asking for directions?
P172: Very subtle
P173: No time for cuddling!
P174: Who reads patch notes?
P175: Give up before you try
P176: A new guild member... kind of.
P177: Cute things are here to be touched
Character Profile: Bellamy90
P178: Dirty Secret?
P179: Money solves any problem
P180: New Armor for Morgana!
P181: Little inconvenience
P182: Being a bit too excited there, Sieg
P183: Let the Event begin!!
P184: Let's do our worst!
P185: A Rival?
P186: nvm let's do our best!
P187: Pretty Dangerous
P188: The Real Power of Darkness
P189: Everyone has limits
P190: Healing Touch
SPECIAL: Merry Christmas 2020!
P191: A Summoners Special Skill
P192: Well, that was unexpected
P193: The True Power of Cuteness!
P194: Fluffy Fur
P195: Short Victory Celebration
P196: Another Try...
P197: Anemone is at it again
P198: He is here to help!
SPECIAL: Happy Valentines Day!
P199: A Guide can't help you with this, Sophie...
P200: Unexpected Wingwoman
P201: Solo Run
P202: The Conclusion
P203: Anemone's timing is perfect
P204: That is not good enough...
P205: Sorai sees everything
P206: The cat is out of the bag
P207: True Motives
P208: What is more important?
P209: Housing Plot Reveal
P210: Get a hatchet!
P211: Teamwork?
P212: You didn't ask
P213: Housing achieved
P214: The Face of Love
P215: Another Fateful Encounter?
P216: The most special of places
P217: Is this a dream?
P218: Thank you, Morgana!
P219: Time to Run!
P220: Mysterious Stranger
P221: Mysterious Stranger (Part 2)
P222: Wild Imagination
Happy Valentines Day everyone! Remember - Even when you're not in a relationship you still can enjoy this day like any other day of the year! I wish you all the best <3