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Become a PatronKick Things Off With A Scream
Rude Awakening
Step 3: PROFIT!!!
More Childish Insults
Maxwell's Filthy Hammer
Ren's Secret
Holiday Greetings and Character Profiles
Collab: New Year's Gala!
Kick the Hornet's Nest
Technicolor Deathcoat
Long Live the Queen
A Quick Interruption
No Ruby Slippers Needed
Valentine's Day Special
A New Jumping On Point
Recall. Recount. Relive.
Brooms and Brews
The Driver
Special Announcement
On the Otherside
Ep 1: Kick Things off with a Scream - Full Color Version!
The High Priestess
Ep 2: Rude Awakening - Full Color Version
Yes! You heard Sabrina right! Or well read her right. I mean, hopefully you read? Okay okay. So yes, I am actively working on new chapters for the comic as well as going back and coloring the first ten story updates aka the first arc. Fight against Flower Guy as Mxie.Byrdie said. Give me a few mins and I'll update this with an actual schedule of when a new chapter will drop and when a recolor will