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Become a PatronRetired superheroes welcome!
Welcome to the family
Un-orthodox meditation lessons for ex-heroes
Origin story of a Vacuum Tube with a cape
A Good Novice
Ink and Peeen!!!
What is it that it's coming?
Bulbo don't wanna do it
The Rent is Due
Who's fault is it?
Heroes Of The World Untie!
Spiky Feet Galore
Best Comic Convention EVER.
Meanwhile, a few light-years away...
Freedom Empire
Something bad happens
Noodly it is
Kung Fu Learning
Kung Fu Fighting
Kung Fu Cheating
And practice, practice, practice.
Monster against corruption!
Engine of Un-Justifiable Resentment. With guts.
Know what you are
While you were indisposed
Rated G
Free from Freedom
Stubborn Reactionary Element
Gland Overload!
So, I took a very long vacation from this.... So, from now on, I decided to make shorter chapters, but absolutely keep a regular schedule. Let's see if I can pull it off!! Every friday!! ...from now on... ...for realsies this time... -sigh-