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I roll to seduce!
Roll a perception check.
I have Darkvision!
But would your character be scared?
Intermission: What's up with that skirt?
I worked hard on this!
It's what my character would do!
I think the spell goes something like this...
Don't step on red tiles!
Don't judge by appearances!
Here be dragons! Part 1
Here be Dragons! Part 2
Here be Dragons! Part 3
Don't say that!
Tough Audience
DM appreciation special!
Investing in Magic Items!
Get your mind out of the gutter!
Divine Sense
The Betrayal
The Choice
Who's who? An intermission!
The Guide
Obligatory Tragic Backstory
So where were we? An intermission!
Innocence Lost
Friends in high places
Surrender, vile brigands!
Echoes of the Past, part 1
Echoes of the Past,. part 2
Echoes of the Past, part 3
Devil's Due; part 1
Devil's due, part 2
Devil's Due; part 3
Devil's Due; part 4
Devil's Due, part 5
Veil of Memories
Veil of Memories, part 2
Steel, Blood and Fire.
You must live on.
Thrice Blessed Return
Homecoming, part 1
Homecoming, part 2
Angela the plucky Fighter returns to what's left of the Session Zero Tavern&Inn to make amends. Surely things can only go better from here... right?