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Become a PatronEpisode 1: "Falling for You" Cover
Strip 1: Introductions: Take 1
Strip 2: Titillation
Strip 3: Perv and Puke
Strip 4: The Wager
Strip 5: The Spill
Strip 6: Tough Guys
Strip 7: Backup
Strip 8: Misunderstanding
Strip 9: Perspective
Strip 10: Real Danger
Strip 11: Up In the Sky
Strip 12: Poor Aim
Strip 13: Make My Work Easier
Strip 14: Ruined Shots
Strip 15: My Baby!
Strip 16: Not Fast Enough
Strip 17: Gratitude
Strip 18: Making Things Difficult
Strip 19: So Much for Dignity
Strip 20: Damned Adrenaline
Strip 21: So Much for a Date
Strip 22: Out-Embarrassed
Strip 23: Pissed (Again)
Strip 24: The Golden Rule
Strip 25: Genius
Strip 26: Coercion
Strip 27: Exit Strategy
Strip 28: Telemarketers
Strip 29: IQ Drop
Strip 30: Superheroic Nerve
Strip 31: Off to Work
Strip 32: Can't Sleep
Episode 2 Teaser
Episode 2: "First Date" Cover
Strip 33: Introductions: Take 2
Strip 34: Picky Princess
Strip 35: Looks...Nice
Strip 36: Expectations
Strip 37: A Real Man
Strip 38: Anatomy Lesson
Strip 39: Damned Super-Hearing
Strip 40: Standards
Strip 41: What's On the Inside
Strip 42: Shallow
Strip 43: Luckiest Guy in the World (Part 1)
Strip 44: Luckiest Guy in the World (Part 2)
Strip 45: Pick Up Point
Strip 46: Watch What You Say
Strip 47: Date Pointers
Strip 48: By Choice
Strip 49: $20 Rule
Strip 50: Got Your Back
Strip 51: The Waiting Game
Strip 52: Punctuality
Strip 53: Appropriate Dress
Strip 54: Plans
Strip 55: Wealth and Worth
Strip 56: Reservations
Strip 57: Shall We?
Strip 58: Kidding Around
Strip 59: Fifteen Minutes
Strip 60: Flight Protocol
Strip 61: Reason to Drop
Strip 62: To Infinite Tea...And Beyond!
Strip 63: Order Up
Strip 64: Behave
Strip 65: Killer View
Strip 66: Even Better View
Strip 67: Cultural Flavor
Strip 68: Paste and Presentation
Strip 69: Urban Growth
Strip 70: The Class Ceiling
Strip 71: Question Deflection
Strip 72: X-Ray-ted
Strip 73: It's a Con'qorian Thing
Strip 74: Lame Excuse
Strip 75: Splitting Hairs
Strip 76: Cause or Effect
Strip 77: High Battle Princess
Strip 78: Invulnerable
Strip 79: Intercessions
Strip 80: Life and Death
Strip 81: Close Ties
Strip 82: Turning Point
Strip 83: A Final Plea
Strip 84: Two Shots
Strip 85: Final Command
Strip 86: Age Equivalency
Strip 87: Feeling Bad
Strip 88: The Perks of Suspicion
Strip 89: Flattery
Strip 90: Scooch
Strip 91: Big-Time Lie
Strip 92: Duty Calls
Strip 93: Stranded
Strip 94: Worthwhile Inconvenience
Strip 95: A Bit Disorienting
Strip 96: Ride the Lightning
Strip 97: My, Oh, My
Strip 98: Strike One
Episode 3 Teaser
High Battle Princess Cyanna
Episode 3: "Malicious Machinations of a Mustachioed Menace"
Strip 99: Introductions: Take 3
Strip 100: Insinuations
Strip 101: In the Know
Strip 102: Raising Eyebrows
Strip 103: Extra Attention
Strip 104: What's in a Name?
Strip 105: Giving Up
Strip 106: Dates
Strip 107: Evening Plans
Mustachioed Machismo Prison File
Strip 108: The Better Part of Valor
Strip 109: Special Plans
Strip 110: Silver Tongue
Strip 111: The Perks of Superspeed
Strip 112: Congrats
Strip 113: Groom Rock
Strip 114: Gotta See MC
Strip 115: Dance Machine
Strip 116: Vocalizing
Strip 117: Catch Phrases
Strip 118: Shots Fired
Strip 119: Nervous
Strip 120: Unexpected Doorways
Strip 121: Threshold to Adventure
Strip 122: Azzi
Strip 123: Floored
Strip 124: So Cool or Not So Cool
Strip 125: Awesome Friends
Strip 126: Responsible Adult
Strip 127: It's All in the Delivery
Interlude: Fusion ad (also from Essay Bee Comics)
Strip 128: Impervious
Strip 129: Pounding
Strip 130: Hitting It Off
Strip 131: Super Underwear
Strip 132: Fetish
Strip 133: Grown-Up Behavior
Strip 134: Worse Ways to End a Day
Strip 135: Unconscionable Greeting
Strip 136: Kinks
Strip 137: Denied Request
Strip 138: Trouble With a Capital M
Strip 139: Good Sport
Strip 140: Bad Dream
Strip 141: Just a Few More Minutes
Strip 142: Ready to Start
Strip 143: A Certain Charm
Strip 144: The Devil's in the Details
Strip 145: Semantics
Living With a Superhero: Happy Thanksgiving!
Strip 146: Close Relationships
Strip 147: Touche
Strip 148: Next to Godliness
Strip 149: Captive Audience
Strip 150: Fridge Cleaning
Living With a Superhero: Christmas Mischief
Strip 151: Bug in a Rug
Strip 152: Damned Tropes
Strip 153: Finite Amount
Strip 154: Real Crooks
Strip 155: Substitute
Strip 156: Empty Room
Strip 157: Conversation Starter
Strip 158: Meanwhile . . .
Strip 159: Expected Remarks
Strip 160: Storytime
Strip 161: Armageddon
Strip 162: The Plan
Strip 163: Taking a Dive
Strip 164: A Digression
Strip 165: The Surprise
Strip 166: The Deal
Strip 167: Musings on Men . . .
Strip 168: . . . And Monsters
Strip 169: Resignation
Strip 170: Lingering Problems
Strip 171: Rushing to a Conclusion
Strip 172: A Meeting With Meemaw
Strip 173: Unexpected Attack
Strip 174: A Surprise Conversation
Strip 175: Strategic Manipulation
Strip 176: Passion Unleashed
Dude in Distress on Hiatus Until August
Strip 177: Beyond Hearing
Strip 178: Making Jokes
Strip 179: Helping One Another
Strip 180: Promises
Strip 181: Cooler Heads
Strip 182: A Quiet Moment
Strip 183: Inmate Check
Strip 184: An Image Is Worth...
Strip 185: Call to Action
Strip 186: Running Into Danger
Strip 187: Caution to the Wind
Strip 188: Tempers Flare
Strip 189: The Cavalry
Strip 190: Hiding Places
Strip 191: Missing a Beat
Strip 192: Up to Speed
Living With A Superhero: Christmas Cuddles
Strip 193: Rhyme or Reason
Strip 194: Up To Speed (Again)
Strip 195: Unassuring Reassurance
Strip 196: A Gauntlet Thrown
Strip 197: Blink of an Eye
Strip 198: No More Fight
Strip 199: Curdled Brains
Strip 200: A Rescue Short
Strip 201: Digging a Hole
Strip 202: Considerations
Strip 203: Lucky Tonight
Strip 204: Orders
Strip 205: Sweet Dreams
Living With A Superhero: Home Repair
Strip 206: Spacing Out
Strip 207: A Request
Strip 208: What Machismo Did
Strip 209: Three Cheers
Strip 210: An Apology (Of Sorts)
Strip 211: Farewell (For Now)
Strip 212: Forwarding
Episode 4 Teaser 1
Episode 4 Preview: Spaceport
Episode 4 Teaser 2 Tease
Teaser 2: A Word From Everyone's Favorite Hero
Episode 4 Teaser 3
Episode 4 Cover
Strip 213: Introductions: Take 4
Strip 214: A Hunter's Responsibility
Strip 215: Pleasantries and Security
Strip 216: Another Good Buddy
Strip 217: A Matter of Discretion
Strip 218: Putting Things in Motion
Strip 219: An Old Friend Returns
Strip 220: That One Thing
Strip 221: A Correction and a Courtesy
Strip 222: Monday Morning Blues
Strip 223: Awesome Threats
Strip 224: Pride Goeth Before . . .
Strip 225: Reward
Strip 226: Nostalgia
Strip 227: Keen Sense of Humor
Strip 228: Imminent Battle of Wits
April Hiatus
Strip 229: Another Day, Another Dollar
Strip 230: A Recognizable Face
Strip 231: On the Way
Strip 232: Rescue In Absentia
Strip 233: Shared Sentiments
Strip 234: An Awful Game
Strip 235: Too Much Credit?
Strip 236: Superhero Flaw
Strip 237: Another Hour
Strip 238: Worse Than a Foe
Strip 239: Say Uncle
Strip 240: Connecting the Dots
Strip 241: Analogies and Annoyances
Strip 242: Back to the Dark Ages
Strip 243: Villainous Magnetism
Strip 244: The Wrap-Up
Strip 245: End of the Foreseeable Future
Strip 246: TGIHD
Strip 247: Restless Night
Delay until October 11
Strip 248: Nightmare Scenario
Strip 249: Worse Than the Nightmare
Strip 250: Communication Breakdown
Strip 251: Suspects
Strip 252: Lie Detector
Strip 253: Clean-Up Hiccup
Happy Thanksgiving
Strip 254: A Matter of Intrigue
Strip 255: Next 48 Hours
Strip 256: Shout It for All to Hear
Strip 257: Love Is in the Air
Strip 258: Switching Things Up
Strip 259: The Company Line
Strip 260: Of a Mind
Strip 261: Pariah Princess
Strip 262: Familial Feelings
Strip 263: Right Back Atcha
Strip 264: Privacy Concern
Strip 265: Intellectual One-Two
Strip 266: Hey, Femme!
Strip 267: That's New
Strip 268: A Question of Reason
Strip 269: Uh-Huh
Strip 270: A Care to Talk
Strip 271: Only Words
Strip 272: Best Show Ever
Strip 273: A Regular Person
Strip 274: Special Effort
Strip 275: Old Friends (Part 1)
Strip 276: Old Friends (Part 2)
Strip 277: Warrior Kin or True Villain
Strip 278: One Important Point
Strip 279: Mutual Friend
Strip 280: The Rub
Strip 281: Right On
Strip 282: Company
Strip 283: Sighs Matter
Strip 284: Let Me Umm a Few Bars
Strip 285: From One Old Friend to Another
Strip 286: Clarity
September Hiatus
Strip 287: Away From It All
Strip 288: Con'thalamira
Strip 289: Corruption
Returning November 13
Strip 290: Never Again
Strip 291: A Rescue Owed
Strip 292: Nuance of Rescue
Strip 293: Another Week
Strip 294: A Courtesy Owed
Strip 295: Cast Off
Happy Holidays 2024
Strip 296: Reeled In
Strip 297: Five Letters
Strip 298: No Assistance
Strip 299: No Comfort in Almost
Strip 300: A Good Friend
Strip 301: Brought to His Knees
Episode 5 Teaser 1
Here's strip 70, which I dedicate to George Lucas, who encountered problems similar to what Femme describes here with his plans to develop affordable housing on his property in Marin County. There is more Clark and Femme could discuss about the Towers and their impact on the community, but this isn't a story about urban develpment, and I'd rather move Clark and Femme's story along.