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Become a PatronEpisode 1: "Falling for You" Cover
Strip 1: Introductions: Take 1
Strip 2: Titillation
Strip 3: Perv and Puke
Strip 4: The Wager
Strip 5: The Spill
Strip 6: Tough Guys
Strip 7: Backup
Strip 8: Misunderstanding
Strip 9: Perspective
Strip 10: Real Danger
Strip 11: Up In the Sky
Strip 12: Poor Aim
Strip 13: Make My Work Easier
Strip 14: Ruined Shots
Strip 15: My Baby!
Strip 16: Not Fast Enough
Strip 17: Gratitude
Strip 18: Making Things Difficult
Strip 19: So Much for Dignity
Strip 20: Damned Adrenaline
Strip 21: So Much for a Date
Strip 22: Out-Embarrassed
Strip 23: Pissed (Again)
Strip 24: The Golden Rule
Strip 25: Genius
Strip 26: Coercion
Strip 27: Exit Strategy
Strip 28: Telemarketers
Strip 29: IQ Drop
Strip 30: Superheroic Nerve
Strip 31: Off to Work
Strip 32: Can't Sleep
Episode 2 Teaser
Episode 2: "First Date" Cover
Strip 33: Introductions: Take 2
Strip 34: Picky Princess
Strip 35: Looks...Nice
Strip 36: Expectations
Strip 37: A Real Man
Strip 38: Anatomy Lesson
Strip 39: Damned Super-Hearing
Strip 40: Standards
Strip 41: What's On the Inside
Strip 42: Shallow
Strip 43: Luckiest Guy in the World (Part 1)
Strip 44: Luckiest Guy in the World (Part 2)
Strip 45: Pick Up Point
Strip 46: Watch What You Say
Strip 47: Date Pointers
Strip 48: By Choice
Strip 49: $20 Rule
Strip 50: Got Your Back
Strip 51: The Waiting Game
Strip 52: Punctuality
Strip 53: Appropriate Dress
Strip 54: Plans
Strip 55: Wealth and Worth
Strip 56: Reservations
Strip 57: Shall We?
Strip 58: Kidding Around
Strip 59: Fifteen Minutes
Strip 60: Flight Protocol
Strip 61: Reason to Drop
Strip 62: To Infinite Tea...And Beyond!
Strip 63: Order Up
Strip 64: Behave
Strip 65: Killer View
Strip 66: Even Better View
Strip 67: Cultural Flavor
Strip 68: Paste and Presentation
Strip 69: Urban Growth
Strip 70: The Class Ceiling
Strip 71: Question Deflection
Strip 72: X-Ray-ted
Strip 73: It's a Con'qorian Thing
Strip 74: Lame Excuse
Strip 75: Splitting Hairs
Strip 76: Cause or Effect
Strip 77: High Battle Princess
Strip 78: Invulnerable
Strip 79: Intercessions
Strip 80: Life and Death
Strip 81: Close Ties
Strip 82: Turning Point
Strip 83: A Final Plea
Strip 84: Two Shots
Strip 85: Final Command
Strip 86: Age Equivalency
Strip 87: Feeling Bad
Strip 88: The Perks of Suspicion
Strip 89: Flattery
Strip 90: Scooch
Strip 91: Big-Time Lie
Strip 92: Duty Calls
Strip 93: Stranded
Strip 94: Worthwhile Inconvenience
Strip 95: A Bit Disorienting
Strip 96: Ride the Lightning
Strip 97: My, Oh, My
Strip 98: Strike One
Episode 3 Teaser
High Battle Princess Cyanna
Episode 3: "Malicious Machinations of a Mustachioed Menace"
Strip 99: Introductions: Take 3
Strip 100: Insinuations
Strip 101: In the Know
Strip 102: Raising Eyebrows
Strip 103: Extra Attention
Strip 104: What's in a Name?
Strip 105: Giving Up
Strip 106: Dates
Strip 107: Evening Plans
Mustachioed Machismo Prison File
Strip 108: The Better Part of Valor
Strip 109: Special Plans
Strip 110: Silver Tongue
Strip 111: The Perks of Superspeed
Strip 112: Congrats
Strip 113: Groom Rock
Strip 114: Gotta See MC
Strip 115: Dance Machine
Strip 116: Vocalizing
Strip 117: Catch Phrases
Strip 118: Shots Fired
Strip 119: Nervous
Strip 120: Unexpected Doorways
Strip 121: Threshold to Adventure
Strip 122: Azzi
Strip 123: Floored
Strip 124: So Cool or Not So Cool
Strip 125: Awesome Friends
Strip 126: Responsible Adult
Strip 127: It's All in the Delivery
Interlude: Fusion ad (also from Essay Bee Comics)
Strip 128: Impervious
Strip 129: Pounding
Strip 130: Hitting It Off
Strip 131: Super Underwear
Strip 132: Fetish
Strip 133: Grown-Up Behavior
Strip 134: Worse Ways to End a Day
Strip 135: Unconscionable Greeting
Strip 136: Kinks
Strip 137: Denied Request
Strip 138: Trouble With a Capital M
Strip 139: Good Sport
Strip 140: Bad Dream
Strip 141: Just a Few More Minutes
Strip 142: Ready to Start
Strip 143: A Certain Charm
Strip 144: The Devil's in the Details
Strip 145: Semantics
Living With a Superhero: Happy Thanksgiving!
Strip 146: Close Relationships
Strip 147: Touche
Strip 148: Next to Godliness
Strip 149: Captive Audience
Strip 150: Fridge Cleaning
Living With a Superhero: Christmas Mischief
Strip 151: Bug in a Rug
Strip 152: Damned Tropes
Strip 153: Finite Amount
Strip 154: Real Crooks
Strip 155: Substitute
Strip 156: Empty Room
Strip 157: Conversation Starter
Strip 158: Meanwhile . . .
Strip 159: Expected Remarks
Strip 160: Storytime
Strip 161: Armageddon
Strip 162: The Plan
Strip 163: Taking a Dive
Strip 164: A Digression
Strip 165: The Surprise
Strip 166: The Deal
Strip 167: Musings on Men . . .
Strip 168: . . . And Monsters
Strip 169: Resignation
Strip 170: Lingering Problems
Strip 171: Rushing to a Conclusion
Strip 172: A Meeting With Meemaw
Strip 173: Unexpected Attack
Strip 174: A Surprise Conversation
Strip 175: Strategic Manipulation
Strip 176: Passion Unleashed
Dude in Distress on Hiatus Until August
Strip 177: Beyond Hearing
Strip 178: Making Jokes
Strip 179: Helping One Another
Strip 180: Promises
Strip 181: Cooler Heads
Strip 182: A Quiet Moment
Strip 183: Inmate Check
Strip 184: An Image Is Worth...
Strip 185: Call to Action
Strip 186: Running Into Danger
Strip 187: Caution to the Wind
Strip 188: Tempers Flare
Strip 189: The Cavalry
Strip 190: Hiding Places
Strip 191: Missing a Beat
Strip 192: Up to Speed
Living With A Superhero: Christmas Cuddles
Strip 193: Rhyme or Reason
Strip 194: Up To Speed (Again)
Strip 195: Unassuring Reassurance
Strip 196: A Gauntlet Thrown
Strip 197: Blink of an Eye
Strip 198: No More Fight
Strip 199: Curdled Brains
Strip 200: A Rescue Short
Strip 201: Digging a Hole
Strip 202: Considerations
Strip 203: Lucky Tonight
Strip 204: Orders
Strip 205: Sweet Dreams
Living With A Superhero: Home Repair
Strip 206: Spacing Out
Strip 207: A Request
Strip 208: What Machismo Did
Strip 209: Three Cheers
Strip 210: An Apology (Of Sorts)
Strip 211: Farewell (For Now)
Strip 212: Forwarding
Episode 4 Teaser 1
Episode 4 Preview: Spaceport
Episode 4 Teaser 2 Tease
Teaser 2: A Word From Everyone's Favorite Hero
Episode 4 Teaser 3
Episode 4 Cover
Strip 213: Introductions: Take 4
Strip 214: A Hunter's Responsibility
Strip 215: Pleasantries and Security
Strip 216: Another Good Buddy
Strip 217: A Matter of Discretion
Strip 218: Putting Things in Motion
Strip 219: An Old Friend Returns
Strip 220: That One Thing
Strip 221: A Correction and a Courtesy
Strip 222: Monday Morning Blues
Strip 223: Awesome Threats
Strip 224: Pride Goeth Before . . .
Strip 225: Reward
Strip 226: Nostalgia
Strip 227: Keen Sense of Humor
Strip 228: Imminent Battle of Wits
April Hiatus
Strip 229: Another Day, Another Dollar
Strip 230: A Recognizable Face
Strip 231: On the Way
Strip 232: Rescue In Absentia
Strip 233: Shared Sentiments
Strip 234: An Awful Game
Strip 235: Too Much Credit?
Strip 236: Superhero Flaw
Strip 237: Another Hour
Strip 238: Worse Than a Foe
Strip 239: Say Uncle
Strip 240: Connecting the Dots
Strip 241: Analogies and Annoyances
Strip 242: Back to the Dark Ages
Strip 243: Villainous Magnetism
Strip 244: The Wrap-Up
Strip 245: End of the Foreseeable Future
Strip 246: TGIHD
Strip 247: Restless Night
Delay until October 11
Strip 248: Nightmare Scenario
Strip 249: Worse Than the Nightmare
Strip 250: Communication Breakdown
Strip 251: Suspects
Strip 252: Lie Detector
Strip 253: Clean-Up Hiccup
Happy Thanksgiving
Strip 254: A Matter of Intrigue
Strip 255: Next 48 Hours
Strip 256: Shout It for All to Hear
Strip 257: Love Is in the Air
Strip 258: Switching Things Up
Strip 259: The Company Line
Strip 260: Of a Mind
Strip 261: Pariah Princess
Strip 262: Familial Feelings
Strip 263: Right Back Atcha
Strip 264: Privacy Concern
Strip 265: Intellectual One-Two
Strip 266: Hey, Femme!
Strip 267: That's New
Strip 268: A Question of Reason
Strip 269: Uh-Huh
Strip 270: A Care to Talk
Strip 271: Only Words
Strip 272: Best Show Ever
Strip 273: A Regular Person
Strip 274: Special Effort
Strip 275: Old Friends (Part 1)
Strip 276: Old Friends (Part 2)
Strip 277: Warrior Kin or True Villain
Strip 278: One Important Point
Strip 279: Mutual Friend
Strip 280: The Rub
Strip 281: Right On
Strip 282: Company
Strip 283: Sighs Matter
Strip 284: Let Me Umm a Few Bars
Strip 285: From One Old Friend to Another
Strip 286: Clarity
September Hiatus
Strip 287: Away From It All
Strip 288: Con'thalamira
Strip 289: Corruption
Returning November 13
Strip 290: Never Again
Strip 291: A Rescue Owed
Strip 292: Nuance of Rescue
Strip 293: Another Week
Strip 294: A Courtesy Owed
Strip 295: Cast Off
Happy Holidays 2024
Strip 296: Reeled In
Strip 297: Five Letters
Strip 298: No Assistance
Strip 299: No Comfort in Almost
Strip 300: A Good Friend
Strip 301: Brought to His Knees
Episode 5 Teaser 1
Here's strip 237 of Dude in Distress, and it looks like the "awful game" Beauty Beast mentioned earlier is almost over for Clark.