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- ?
- Stars_;\\
- ;://Greetings
- Author's Note
- [Poems\"" ;) ]
- //_Poems=pt.2"]]
- (Quick explanation time)
- ^-^
- *-*
- Don't Click!
- //S.S
- //Kittyfloof
- //maroshka
- //Eden
- //Nasgut_601
- O▒tc▒d▒s
- //Bookworm428
- //3
- //2
- //1
- =)
- ;)
- ?
- >>Hey.
- You.<<
- H3110 W0R1D
- o_o
- [99%]
- [97%]
- >>Stay?<<
- W1TH M3 P13AS3
- ❤
- MQ==
- MW==
- OQ==
- MQ==
- NA==
- »A«
- »S«
- »C«
- »I«
- »I«
- [55%]
- [48%]
- ♪
- [43%]
- x_x
- 1 L3FT Y0U.
- 1 P20M1SE
- 1 W1LL F1X TH1S.
- //Don't pretend
- I want your help.\\
- //You're the reason
- We're unfixable.\\
- ▪
- ▪
- <3
- 1'M S0RRY.
- //You're not sorry.
- 1'M TRY1NG T0 H3LP Y0U.
- [14%]
- [12%]
- o.o
- //Your time is up.
- //Hell is awaiting you.
- Hiatus!!
- ♥ For you
- ♥ For me
- ♥ For us
- ฿☈∛∆イカ∛
- ὕ∩∣₴☼∩
- ☈∆✓
- ∩∛ὕイ☈∆┊∣イ¥
- 77
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- 34
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- «0001»
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- ▒u▒▒o▒e▒
- ?
- 3
- 2
- 1
- Important Notification!
- * *******
Luna was a beautiful character submitted by iwicat! She was so unbelievably fun to use in the universe and I hope we'll get to see her again later <3