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- ?
- Stars_;\\
- ;://Greetings
- Author's Note
- [Poems\"" ;) ]
- //_Poems=pt.2"]]
- (Quick explanation time)
- ^-^
- *-*
- Don't Click!
- //S.S
- //Kittyfloof
- //maroshka
- //Eden
- //Nasgut_601
- O▒tc▒d▒s
- //Bookworm428
- //3
- //2
- //1
- =)
- ;)
- ?
- >>Hey.
- You.<<
- H3110 W0R1D
- o_o
- [99%]
- [97%]
- >>Stay?<<
- W1TH M3 P13AS3
- ❤
- MQ==
- MW==
- OQ==
- MQ==
- NA==
- »A«
- »S«
- »C«
- »I«
- »I«
- [55%]
- [48%]
- ♪
- [43%]
- x_x
- 1 L3FT Y0U.
- 1 P20M1SE
- 1 W1LL F1X TH1S.
- //Don't pretend
- I want your help.\\
- //You're the reason
- We're unfixable.\\
- ▪
- ▪
- <3
- 1'M S0RRY.
- //You're not sorry.
- 1'M TRY1NG T0 H3LP Y0U.
- [14%]
- [12%]
- o.o
- //Your time is up.
- //Hell is awaiting you.
- Hiatus!!
- ♥ For you
- ♥ For me
- ♥ For us
- ฿☈∛∆イカ∛
- ὕ∩∣₴☼∩
- ☈∆✓
- ∩∛ὕイ☈∆┊∣イ¥
- 77
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- 80
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- 82
- 34
- 47
- 85
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- «0001»
- «0002»
- «0003»
- «0005»
- «0007»
- ▒u▒▒o▒e▒
- ?
- 3
- 2
- 1
- Important Notification!
- * *******
1. No, the title "Rav" isn't Rav from the discord, you're safe, promise. 2. Had a minor surgery but recovery's been brutal, it's been ridiculously hard to focus on writing so apologies for this chapter being way too late. Maybe double update soon to make up for it? o.o