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- Don't Click!
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- ?
- Stars_;\\
- ;://Greetings
- Author's Note
- [Poems\"" ;) ]
- //_Poems=pt.2"]]
- (Quick explanation time)
- ^-^
- *-*
- Don't Click!
- //S.S
- //Kittyfloof
- //maroshka
- //Eden
- //Nasgut_601
- O▒tc▒d▒s
- //Bookworm428
- //3
- //2
- //1
- =)
- ;)
- ?
- >>Hey.
- You.<<
- H3110 W0R1D
- o_o
- [99%]
- [97%]
- >>Stay?<<
- W1TH M3 P13AS3
- ❤
- MQ==
- MW==
- OQ==
- MQ==
- NA==
- »A«
- »S«
- »C«
- »I«
- »I«
- [55%]
- [48%]
- ♪
- [43%]
- x_x
- 1 L3FT Y0U.
- 1 P20M1SE
- 1 W1LL F1X TH1S.
- //Don't pretend
- I want your help.\\
- //You're the reason
- We're unfixable.\\
- ▪
- ▪
- <3
- 1'M S0RRY.
- //You're not sorry.
- 1'M TRY1NG T0 H3LP Y0U.
- [14%]
- [12%]
- o.o
- //Your time is up.
- //Hell is awaiting you.
- Hiatus!!
- ♥ For you
- ♥ For me
- ♥ For us
- ฿☈∛∆イカ∛
- ὕ∩∣₴☼∩
- ☈∆✓
- ∩∛ὕイ☈∆┊∣イ¥
- 77
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- «0001»
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- ▒u▒▒o▒e▒
- ?
- 3
- 2
- 1
- Important Notification!
- * *******
HEY HEY HEY YOU YES YOU-- YOU SHOULD TOTALLY TAKE THIS SURVEY (to help determine future DC events and what the next comic should look like) IT'D BE SUPER COOL IF YOU COULD DO THIS PLEASE IT'S NOT LONG PROMISE THANKS: ((if you want to affect Don't Click THIS IS HOW)) k thank you have a great day ^-^