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Become a PatronChapter 1: Shipwrecked
Chapter 2: Gallows Island
Chapter 3: Sparrow Eye Tavern
Chapter 4: Where the Worms Lie
Chapter 5: Al'ight Mate
Chapter 6: Confidence Problems
Chapter 7: Yogi Pooh
Chapter 8: That Dreadful Ticking Clock
Chapter 9: A Test of Bravado
Chapter 10: The Battle at Gallows Island
Chapter 11: Fish N' Boots
Chapter 12: Old-Man-nerisms
Chapter 13: That Says it All
Chapter 14: Rick
Chapter 15: Roll our Way
Chapter 16: Shaw T. Shaught
Chapter 17: Neva Miss Again
Chapter 18: Duros & William
Chapter 19: Mail
Chapter 20: Apologies Father
Chapter 21: Treasure Island
Chapter 22: Bear-Knuckle Boxing
Chapter 23: The Atomizer
Chapter 24: The Yeti