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- Unpleasant Pleasantries
- Tell Me to Make You a Sandwich
- Starting The Day Off On the Right Note
- Lazy
- Digging for Treasure
- Table Manners
- Realizations
- Color Wheel Feels
- Morning Routine
- Visitor
- Pigtails
- Real Life Pokeemon
- Visitors
- Announcement
- Childhood Fears vs. Adulthood Fears
- Workout Buddy
- Class Confusion
- Contradictions
- The Boo Style of Teaching
- Punbearable Puns
I don’t have a treadmill or a pet hamster, but if I had both I would want to try this. :) My hamster could probably easily outrun me, since according to the website below, hamsters can run up to 6 miles in a single night on their wheel!