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- Bob's first comic!
- Monday Nom Noms
- Chicken fingers
- Eat less
- Friends
- Remote work
- Password
- Weekend leftovers
- Language
- Tamagotchi
- Birthday cake
- Dreaming of quitting
- Regrets
- Time flies
- Byeeeeeee-
- Exactly
- Promotion
- BaitFeed Article
- Infected gallbladder
- New diet
- Big fan
- New Year, New Me!
- Sick
- Stepped away
- Burned out
- Bob meets Bonebag & Grimm
- Share A Snack Day
- Happy Valentine's Day!
- Can you work, tho?
- Buried
- AI
- FaceQuiz
- Unboxing
- Hump Day
- Made it
- Breakfast of the Dead (My first illustrated comic!)
- Hot coffee
- Allergy season
- Staycation
- The Big Cubicle
- Taco Tuesday 🌮
- Sunday Night Horror
We're back! Took some time off here in Webtoon, but looking forward to continuing with Bob's stories. In the meantime, I found this old comic I made back in my college days and thought I'd be cool to share with all of you! Just so you see how far back my zombie obsession goes (back to my childhood, actually). Hope you enjoy... Breakfast of the Dead! (Yes, I misspelled breakfast, I know lol.)