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Speed Limit
The Gig is up!
A Presumption of Innocence
Crime and ...
Any club that would have me...
Any port in a storm
Stop me if you've heard this one
One Man's Trash
Parting is such sweet sorrow
Who Left the Dimensional Portal Open Again?
I Said I Was Sorry
Friends Come and Go, but Enemies Accumulate
Labstyles of the Vile and Villainous
Everyone Has to Start Somewhere
Even Evil Doctors Get the Blues
There's always Uncle Ben
Murder Was the Case That They Gave Me
A Place to Call My Own
It's Bigger on the Inside
Dating is Such Sweet Sorrow
What a Tangled Web
Careful What you Ask For
Do Not Pass "Go"
Be Home by 8:30
Strange Befellows
That Was Premature
Where Are We Going To Find Rubber Pants Our Size?
I’d Like a Serving of Community with a Side of Sarcasm
How Old Are You Now?
Sounds Like Someone Has Abandonment Issues
Do You Want To Talk About It?
Kirby Wuz Here
Cluckin’ A!
Cluck Shot First!
What’s in a Name?
Hoarders: The Evil Doctor Edition
That Tingling Feeling is How You Know it’s Working
Not Again
I Feel Like Chicken Tonight
Winners Never Quit
Meet Bob
High in Fiber
You’re Supposed to say `Who’s There`
Don’t Try This At Home
A Mystery Pummeled by an Enigma
That Not So Fresh Feeling
Did You Get a New Hairdo?
All Alone in the Moonlight
A Picture Says a Thousand Things You Didn’t Want to Say
Apology Not Accepted
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Where’s My Parade?
Not Exactly Millions of Voices
Here’s Johnny!
Slow News Day
Just Say No
Off to a Slow Start
Watch Out Man!
If You Can’t Beat Them…
A good man always knows his limitations
What is the Sound of One Opposite Generating?
Sibling Rivalry
That’s Despicable!
The Sincerest Form of Flattery
Like a Big Pizza Pie
You’re Going to Need a Bigger Boat
Hum a Few Bars
It Saves on Transaction Fees
Nothing Personal
A Thousand Channels And Nothing Is On
Just a Little Prick
Alcohol Preserves Everything Except Dignity
Happiness is a Warm Blanket
Hiding in Plane Sight
I wonder if this is how Nomad felt…?
Villainy Never Takes a Vacation
What Goes Around
It Isn’t Polite To Stare
Good Help is Hard to Find
For Every Action…
You’ll Speak When Spoken To
Of Course You Realize This Means War
Oh The Humanity
Pax Super-Sapiens
Happy Trails
Know When to Fold ‘Em
Sucks To Be You
I Didn’t Get A Harrumph From That Guy!
Game Over, Man! Game Over!
No Paddle For You
Don’t Try This At Home, Kids!
I Was Vengeance Before It Was Cool
The Price is Wrong
Heal Thyself
Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One
Bert’s Revenge
With a Little Help From My Friends
Just Snapping a Quick Selfie
I’m All Over Social Media
Found Him!
Try, Try Again
Don’t Meet Your Idol Kids
Do Not Arouse the Wrath of the Great and Powerful Oz
Constructive Criticism
Protective Custody
Everyone’s a Critic
It makes the world go ’round
Layers. Like an onion.
Break on Through
Finally, A Straight Answer
Not Batman
Secondhand Tolkien is Dangerous Too
We don’t got the beat
A’int quite the Mines of Moria
Minions. Why did it have to be Minions?
It doesn’t have to be a snowman
Someday We’ll Find It
And me without my baggy pants
Tools come in all sizes
Indignities abound
This Ain’t Motel Six
Can it Gizmo
Doomed To Repeat It
Reset the Wayback Machine, Sherman. We broke something.
It’s Not The Fall That Kills You…
Hey, it’s a living…
My Heart Will Go On
Come Fly With Me
Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse
I need a volunteer from the audience
Ace of Dummies
Who doesn’t enjoy a good smiting?
Thief of Hearts and Samsungs
A Hole in my Heart
I Feel Pretty, So Pretty
The Secret Ingredient is Love
Just like the old age home
I love a parade
Still no hover boards?
Trick or …
The Devil’s Workshop
Is Caring
A little bit of the ultra-cleaning
Bring me my brown shirt…and hat…and goggles
Hmm, depends…
Search your Feelings…
The Ministry Of Silly Talks
Is it 420 Already?
Operation Snatch and Grab
The fool or the fool who follows the fool
Swipe Left Young Man
Want some cheese with that whine?
Just a pinch…
Love me as though there were no tomorrow
Worst part of waking up
Never Miss a Day
Nobody knows…
Is it still cannibalism if you’re a chicken?
What Ever Happened to Judge Rheinhold?
And she smelled of elderberries
Even more ripping off the classics
Wheel of Morality Says: Eat more fiber!
Side effects include
Under the water, the fish don’t stink
I take my misery with two sugars
You’ll have to excuse my friend. He’s a little slow.
Sprinkles are for winners
We should pull over for gas
Where there’s a whig, there’s a way
And On Your Right, Yet Another Seattle Burnt Coffee Shop
Draw Me Like One of Your French Girls
Couldn’t hit the broadside of a…
I Don’t Have a Square to Spare
Gonna Fly Now
Mission One Eight Seven
Faceless No Longer
And don’t come down until you’re ready to apologize!
The Sebastian Confrontation
Life Finds a Way
Nothing wrong with a bit of bribery between friends
Widdle Wiggy Woogums
Sometimes the Laundry Sorts You
Circle of Life
Snards. Its what’s for dinner.
Don’t blow your wig
10,000 ways that won’t work
Actually, they’re kinda bland till you scoop sugar on ’em.
Only yourselves to blame
At least you don’t handle his “delicates”
If You Could Go Ahead and Do That…That’d be Greeeeaaat!
Why Put Off Tomorrow What You Can Do Today
PC Load Letter? What the F@#$ does that mean?
Night gathers, and now my watch begins.
Light ‘Em Up
And I thought he smelled bad on the outside
That’s the Power of Pine-Sol, Baby!
Yo soy la noche
I’ve seen enough hentai to know what happens next…
Need a little pick me up
Superheroing ain’t easy
I’ll packa your bags for your trip.
The Adventures of The Possum!
The Adventures of The Cockroach
And now I forgot my social security number!
A Crummy Caper
I Said Good Day Sir!
Um, look, if we built this large wooden badger…
A Soggy Situation
But all the other villains make fun of my chin
Overcompensating Much?
What are these? Girl Scout Cookies for Ants?
The Real Reason Invulnerable Superheroes Need Super Suits
Hold Onto Your Butts
The Asparagus Strikes Back
When you wish upon a star
Kitty Perry Sings the Blues
I hope the flying piranhas are house broken
My Secret Identity Disorder
A Song of Wait and Wonder
Nobody Puts Soda Popinski in the Corner
Thank you sir, may I have another?
Men at Work
Why not Southpaw Sundays?
Grab your ankles, please
I prefer starlight mints in mine…
Lowered Expectations Means You’ll Never be Disappointed
Make a like a tree…and get back to work!
Probably just picked the first word in the dictionary
It clearly said ‘Do Not Touch’
Time for a time out
That Fourth Wall’s Lookin’ Kinda Flimsy
Who weeps for the aardvark?
I see what you’re driving at…
It was bound to happen
The Creative Process Needs a Shove
Something old is something new
Also presenting, the bleeps, the sweeps and the creeps
A thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter
Sadder than a discount Valentine
Well, what if there is no tomorrow? There wasn’t one today.
At least it’s out of it’s misery
That’s two minutes for whining
Really Driving These Puns
Started at the Bottom
Customer Disservice
You Light Up My Life
April Blizzards Bring May…Blizzards?
A job most foul
There goes his tip
Writers can be vindictive
You can’t draw and goof off at the same time
I wish this strip would draw itself…
Every job can be automated…
I guess this makes me the tool
Well Noted…
You’re Big in Japan
Never make a promise you’d hate to keep
Maybe if you hum a few bars?
Don’t ask about the cheese…
Well, here’s another nice mess you’ve gotten me into
Sometimes you need lackeys in bulk
Still probably safer than most street meat.
I’m a doctor not an orthographer!
You know what? That’s gonna hurt.
Catches on quick, doesn’t he?
I think his ears look funny
He’s getting real good at it, too.
He’s getting hip to the get down
Kiss me like you miss me
Heaven help you if they’re not in season!
At least she’s not asking for brunch…
The leading cause of misery for artists is writers
Everyone thinks they can write.
Some situations are seldom swashed swiftly when buckles...
If you want something done right, do it yourself.
Not responsible for hair in awkward places.
Sleeping the sleep of the innocent, despite myself
I wouldn’t say I’ve been missing it, Bob
Clean up your act before I get back!
It’s like the eye follows you wherever you go.
I haven’t had a decent sacrifice in ages
I couldn’t carrot all
Now he’s the Atomized Avenger
There go the best fries in Hero City
Everybody wants to be a star
You’re gonna be in trouble when mom gets home.
Lights out on Cell Block D
Now just wait a second…
He’s a big fan
That’s some heavy funk
Some say it’s still at large till this very day…
Those marvelous scammers sure scammed us, huh?
You might be a Targaryen
You pay what you get for…or something like that.
The muse has struck
Your Freudian slip is showing…
Time to make the donuts.
In Hero City, egg beats you!
Wait, people actually read this comic?
Nobody puts Baby in the corner.
Give That Monkey A Typewriter!
Speedsters are big jerks.
How do you make a goth giggle?
If you keep making that face, it’ll stay that way.
A mime is a terrible thing to waste.
Gonna need a steamer to get that out.
We want the funk.
Stuck in the middle with you.
Don’t go getting all choked up now.
Avoid the prat-falls of comedy.
I think he’s finally getting it
Please apply again at a later time. Much later.
That’s why it’s called ‘Duty’.
He’s in serious treble.
Chillin’ like a villain
Radio Blah Blah
Candygram for Mongo?
Not going anywhere for a while?
Head over heels for his art.
I before me except after thee
Ah hell, give me a white wine spritzer.
Wake me up when December ends.
This show stinks.
No one is in comics for the money.
Why go high when you can go low?
Eight out of nine ain’t bad
Ching Chang Walla Walla Bing Bang.
Who wants a Hertz Donut?
Toss this gag in the ditcher.
This is why I take baths.
I like coffee. It gives me the illusion that I'm be awake
Wait, Wilhemina?
Does this glow look infected?
Family Matters.
I’m not throwing away my shot.
Don’t forget to tap your mana.
Why did you say that name!?
He’s only mostly dead.
The plumage don’t enter into it.
Hold Still
I don’t think that’s sanitary
You keep on knocking but you can’t come in.
I don’t have a square to spare.
Did someone hear a snap?
Social Distance Creativity Disorder
Social Distance is Working.
The reaper does not listen to the harvest
Do your ears hang low?
Stealing power is better for the environment
It’s so mindbogglingly useful!
Funk Sole Brother
They love me on eBay
This is not the way
She misses her lil’ Boopsie
Prison changes you
Oink Bro
Can Timmy come out to play?
They’re all gonna laugh at you
Wipe your feet!
Gotta catch ’em all
Hush now, Mama’s here
I’ve got something in my eye
What’s that dirt on your chin?
Don’t call it a comeback
That tingling feeling means it’s working!
For a nice and shiny coat…
It’s a Dog Groomed Shame
Splish Splash
How to Zoom
Twisted up like a Rubik’s Cubist
Infernal Delivery
Sorry…Affogato your name
Something fishy is going on.
Not bad. Cod do better.
Out of the frying pan?
The sea is dark and full of terrors.
No chance of parole now…
This one is driving me crazy
Caped Caper
It’s all fun and games until someone ends up in a cone
How do you plead?
Misery loves company
Did you get the memo?
In space, no one can hear you telemarket.
404 Joke Not Found
He’s gonna go hungry…
Everybody’s a Loki
And finally, monsieur, a wafer-thin mint.
Netflix and …
It’s in beta
That’s not write…
I have the power!
Mouth for What?
Dammit Jim!
One more thing…
You can’t expect much from us.
How about an extended warranty?
Lawyer up bruh
I won’t ask again…
These strips keep on rollin’
That was easy!
Not the Bees!
In the back of a Volkswagen?
Freaky Friday?
Make like a tree and GTFO
Am I supposed to be punishing myself?
Like, Take a Chill Pill
Same Crap, Different Year
Somebody order fried spam?
Kitchen Nightmares
Today’s Forecast: My own private hell
Be sure to file in triplicate
At least death is final
To The Moon!
We always call each other Gopherllas
Are Henchmen Claimed as Dependents or Furniture?
I hear they’re scruffy lookin’
Smell ya later.
At least they wore seatbelts
Rock the Cantina
Same damn time…same damn channel
Bros before heroes
It’s not me, it’s you.
Heinously Sad
Why the long face?
Bark at the moon
It’s dark. And we’re wearing sunglasses.
Definitely not a bird
It’s not the fall that’ll kill you
And we’re running now.
No Capes!
I bet this never happens to Clark Kent
I don’t think the disguise is working…
Get off our lawn, youngin’
With a Minor in Dastardly Arts
I don’t think he gets it.
Nothing gets by you…
You don’t have to go home, but…
Underwear Goes Inside The Pants Policy
As Seen on TV
Definitely Number Two
Not my best work…
Mark loves extra mayo and pickles
Should we tell him we lost track?
Forcing creative work is like forcing a fart…
I’m a writer, not a laborer.
Attack The Block
Kickstart My Heart
The Usual Anxiety
From hell’s heart I stab at thee
Hold on a minute…
Out of this world
Guten Tag Krankenschwester
Keeping on Track
Instructions Unclear
He’s got the glow
I’m all outta bubblegum
We’ve actually heard worse pitches
I’m out.
Don’t You (Forget About Me)
Out of the pan…
La Femelle Fatale
Nobody calls me…chicken
Are we expecting more than one?
Elaine’s Revenge
Crikey what a drongo
Kentucky Fried Cluck
For the record, it was Alex’s idea to give me Magneto’s helmet, I only insisted on the top hat. I have to admit that I am pleased he sees me as a supervillian and/or (somewhat) altruistic antihero. Or possibly much worse. Whatever, you’ll have to ask him.