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Become a Patron- The Mission
- Life Choices
- Direct Communication
- Kinda Outta Place
- Barbecue Invitation
- Survival Instinct
- We've Done This Before
- Hopes Down
- Spicy Food Consequences
- You Know How Much That Hurts
- A Not Desired Fame
- An Honest Mistake
- (Not Quite), CHARGE!
- Back to Normal (Sort of)
- Man the cataPUGlts!
- Manly Manliness
- Barely Noticable Complex
- Seriously, It’s NOT Paranoia
- Kinda Like A Reverse Sixth Sense Kid
- The First Step Is Denial
- It’s Always The Game’s Fault
- A Name To Live By
- Maybe Back Then It Was Useful, I Dunno
- Delegating Legacies
- Justified Overreaction
- And That’s Why They’re A Team
- Swift Moves
- One Shot
- On His Way Back
- Myth Busted
- Cooking Manual
- It worked, right?
- Someone’s Gotta Do It
- Almost Got It
- Stealth Level: -1
- He Actually Just Guessed
- Maybe If He Says Please
- Sob Story Aside
- More Like Long Darts
- A Magical Place
- That Name Will Never Pick Up
- So, No Exchange Then?
- Minor Distraction
- The Convenience Of Having A Horse
- The Fall Of An Empire
- Sounds Familiar
- And They’ll Make A TV Show About It
- It’ll Be A LONG Wait
- New Quest, Old Quest
- Always The Suspect
- Best/Worst Plan
- Even Without The Pellet
- Best Solution
- Sweet Lair
- The Reunion
- Horrible Guessing
- As If It Was An Art
- NOW It’s Over… Again
- Lasting Stubbornness
- Flinging Hope
- Terms And Conditions
- Out To No Good
- Dooming Them All
- Silent Night, Wet Night
- Stealth To The Minimum
- Not Rehearsed
- Night Shift
- Pop POOF
- Last (Shameful) Resource
- Good Night Then
- When It’s Not About You
- Just A Splinter
- Flailing To Victory
- Beauty Tips
- Did You See Me?
- My Own Bare Hands
- The Goin’ Gets Tough from the Getgo
- So Many People in the Neighborhood
- She Wanted To Leave
- Friends
- Cover It With Gas And Set It On Fire
- Tender Situation
- You Were The Fool
- Never Squeal On Th’ Pusher
- Boing
- It’s Gonna Be (Alright)
- Don’t Sweat It
- Tried And True
- Right to the Ways and the Rules of the World
- Everlasting Friendship
- Not A Contract
- Done Outta Love
- Until They Invent Jetpacks
- Much Love
- Heartfelt Goodbye
- Personal Reality Check
- Like a Lovable Aunt
- A Bit Of Both
- Pizza Table
- Just A Courtesy
- Convenient Enough
- As Useful
- Snack
- Making Friends
- Wrong Thing, Right Time
- Personal Space
- It's A Party Now
- Royalty Pains
- We Came, We Conquered, We Go Now
- Life Saving Worthy
- History In The Making
- Someday It’ll Work
- That’s What Friends Are For
- Excuses, Excuses
- Worth Askin’
- Worth Tryin’
- Tricky Prey
- You Dropped This
- Aww, For Me?
- Getting Desperate
- Might as Well
- Friendship is Magic
- Or Blinking
- Seafood Buffet
- Opium Fields
- Not Even Halloween
- Up To a Good Start
- It’s Still a Solution
- And He Can’t Leave
- Who You Gonna Call?
- Better Than Old Man Withers
- Sound Confirmation
- Him And Old Baby Dolls
- Impatiently Fearless
- Some Work Better Alone
- The Real Fairy Tale
- Knock Knock Joke
- Common Practice
- Doesn’t Always Work
- Oh, Boy…
- Any Plan B?
- Exit, Stage Left
- Happily Ever Forever
- Fast Food
- Just Imagine
- How Quaint
- Aiming High, and Sideways
- Haggis!
- Stalling Emotionally
- Not That Better
- Hard to Tell
- Summer Break
- The Mother of Trouble
- How Does It Even Stay There?
- Acting Naturally
- Friendly Enough
- Time To Play Quiet
- Surprise Factor
- Itchy Undies
- My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad
- Just Fantastic
- This is the Fight Scene, Pt. 1
- This is the Fight Scene, Pt. 2
- This is the Fight Scene, Pt. 3
- Anywhere Else
- Defense Mechanism
- Prolonged Sentence
- Ones for Others
- Progress
- A Bit Misunderstood
- Off Key, On Time
- Rant in E Minor
- For Every Tune
- Slide Vibrations
- Tough Crowd
- Show Closer
- Smash Hit
- The After Party
- Encore
- Scrabble, Then
- And Now, Sleep Well
- The Sniffles
- Even If She Tried
- You Wouldn’t Want That?
- Oh, Well
- Doodl-ie Dah
- Photorealistic
- Taking Action… Eventually
- At Least They Stopped
- What Indeed
- Only a Dream…
- Like The Rest Of This Story
- Sense of Humor
- Distraction is Key
- Helping Hurts
- And So Should You
- On The Spot
- Cross-Attack
- You Speak My Language
- Friends, Friends
- Fred the Friendly Fdragon
- Deenner Party
- Trusty Beef
- He’s Nice
- D’oh, Well…
- Not the Pie!
- So Long, Fred…
- Line of Defense
- You’re Your
- Gift-Horse
- (Don’t) Show Me The World
- Be The Star
- Holidays Break
- Ultima
- And a Private Plane
- One Little Detail
- Oddities
- Just Fine
- Promises
- Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes
- …And Repeat
- Quest… For A Better Name
- Dishonor
- Hemorrhoids
- Tools of Progress
- Terms
- Convincing
- Resignation
- Situation
- Hiding
- Appearing
- Hurt
- Fight
- Weak
- Shoo
- Anger
- Embrace
- Bored
- Point
- Sudden
- Plap
- Strategy
- Realization
- Rescue
- Circle
- Bloodletting
- Taste of Experience
- Hide and Seek
- [Insert Super Mario Pipe Sound]
- Flinch, You Lose
- Speed Painting
- Out for a Roll
- Excuse Me
- Don’t Mind Me
- Three Points
- Will Never use It Again
- Cone (?) of Shame
- Ahoy There
- Next: A Thimble
- A Faint Scent
- Gotcha
- Almost There
- Fact-Checked Fables
- On The Nose
- These Are Real
- The Dragon Slayer
- A Bit Inflated
- We Forgot This Fact
- So Cast Your Fears Away
- No One To See Here
- To The Point
- Deadly Thoughts
- Not Recommended
- He Technically Did
- So Long…
- Rusting
- Too Much Paranoia
- Speak When Obvious
- Sound Signal
- Helps Making Friends
- Forgot to Mention
- Not a David Bowie
- Better Trade
- I’ll Let You Know When I Can See Again
- D’aw, Bugger…
- And Awkward
- Understandable Confusion
- All Honesty
- Papercuts
- Full Coverage
- Ready or Not
- Building Tension
- Better Late Than Never
- No Guilt
- Artistic Statement
- Because “Lance” Sounds Stupid
- Not Far Enough
- Happens, Right?
- Eyes on the Road
- Seriously, Eyes on the Road
- New Diet
- Summer Break!
- Update/FYI
Don't know, don't want to care.