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Become a PatronMeet Eric Bittle
Meet the Boys
Hockey Shit with Ransom and Holster
The Coaches
The Haus
Bad Bob Zimmermann
The Hockey Prince
Checking Clinic
Hockey Shit with Ransom and Holster - Nicknames
Family Weekend
Samwell vs. Yale - I
Samwell vs. Yale - II
Samwell vs. Yale - III
The Closet Story - I
The Closet Story - II
Winter Screw
Playoffs - I
Playoffs - II
Playoffs - III
Goodbye for the Summer
Hockey Shit with Ransom and Holster - Dibs
Moved In
Square One
Hockey Shit with Ransom and Holster - Celly
Meet The Frogs
Providence Falconers
WGSS120 & HIST376: Women, Food, and American Culture
Parse — I
Parse — II
Parse — III
Junior Show
Shitty's Dibs (Mini-Comic)
Post I - Roadie
Post II - Frozen Four
Post III - Last Game
Kiss the Ice
Jack's Dibs
Goodbye for the Summer — I
Goodbye for the Summer — II
Fellas, is it gay to take a picture of your teammate when he's not looking because you want to capture this special fleeting moment with him and what he means to you and what hockey means to you and how what hockey means to you has changed because of this one particular teammate? Oh, it is? VERY gay? Good just checking.