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- Fragile Love
- why does the puppy dog phase end
- Finding Lost
- Hope Bound
- Paint what you feel?
- Hero
- Snow Hope
- Love and remember
- it did not help
- who?
- Grenade
- Mind And Move
- Roots Of Fun
- Some Nights
- Mind To Page
- Giving to the giving tree
- Inked
- Stay or leave
- Well Crap
- Giving you sass
- Just The Beast
- You Hurt Too
- The Dark Swim
- Can't Stay Here
- Butterfly Kisses
- Easter Eggz
- Lets Play Again
- Let it go...
- Love Mistakes & Memories
- A Fresh Page
- Ill drink to that
- Brotherhood
- Regained Core
Remembering the colors and music that allow you to dance in more ways than one.. Cheers !! Bastian... take in the vibrance and foundation of who C-Jac really is. Don't forget to find the music.. it can carry all the emotions that you are and are not willing to let yourself go through... always try to find a way to dance.