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Become a Patron- S1E1
- S1E2
- S1E3
- hiatus notice
- Hoppy Easter!
- announcement
- s1e4
- hh
- Prolouge- Pt 1
- Prolouge- Pt 2
- 7 Years
- Escape Plan
- A Rock and a Hard Place
- Plan B
- Bonk!!
- 'It's Over'
- Raccoons
- Retreat
- Original Thumbnail
- Original Thumbnail 2.0
- BS Icon 3.0
- MC Ref
- Jake Ref
- Release Date!
- Velago Ref
- (Really) Old MC Ref
- Old Jake Art
- Sal Ref
- (Really) Old Velago Ref
- Juggernaught Ref
- Apholine Ref
- CJ Design
- My dry humour
this is from back when the comic first released in summer 2021