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- Prologue
- Chapter 1 : When everything seems normal (part 1)
- When everything seems normal (part 2)
- Author's Note
- When everything seems normal (part 3)
- When everything seems normal (part 4)
- Chapter 2 Coming Soon!!!
- Chapter 2: Truth and Lies (part 1)
- Author's Note
- Chapter 2: Truth and Lies (part 2)
- Character Bios!
- Chapter 2: Truth and Lies (Part 3)
- Chapter 2: Truth and Lies (part 4)
- Chapter 3 Coming soon!
- So Got Some News...
- Chapter 3: What's Real? (part 1)
- Chapter 3: What's Real? (part 2)
GUYS!!!! Blue will be returning very soon! I'm going to work hard on this comic as well as my other comic "Ivy and Sunny" please make sure to check that out! I'm so thankful for the support and for you guys not giving up on me! I can't promise to update on a specific date and at a specific time BUT I will try my best to update regularly! I hope you guys enjoy my comeback and the NEW COVER!!!