Blood Oath: Ancient War action comic



Blood Oath: Ancient War

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[Entry 184:] There was a time when the world was one, as much figuratively as physically. With the Long Night, the ones cursed with the Devil's print were taken and those who weren't were left sleeping. From one world, came to life two distinct realities, with only a thin veil separating them. U̷n̴t̴i̴l̸ ̸T̴h̶e̷ ̷C̵h̸i̶l̴d̵ ̴w̷h̷o̴ ̴s̷h̷o̸u̶l̸d̴ ̸n̴e̶v̷e̶r̶ ̴h̶a̸v̴e̵ ̸b̴e̶e̴n̷ ̶a̷w̸a̶k̴e̸n̴e̵d̸ ̸b̴l̴e̵d̷ ̵o̵n̴c̶e̷ ̸a̸g̷a̸i̶n̴.̷ -Kandelor Logos