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Become a Patron- Matilda the Praying Mantis
- Matilda and the Ootheca
- The Assassin Bug (Part 1)
- The Assassin Bug (Part 2 )
- The Life Cycle of a Green Lacewing
- Aphid Problem?
- The Ladybug
- The Whitefly Battle
- The Early Life of the Praying Mantis
- The Minute Pirate Bug
- Surviving Valentine's Day
- Feed Me!
- The Earthworm
- The Spots of a Ladybug
- Parasitoid Wasps
- The Eyes of a Mantis
- The Hoverfly (Part 1)
- The Hoverfly (part 2)
- Attracting the Hoverfly
- Attracting Green Lacewing
- the Bee
- The Assassin Bug (Part 3)
- The Beneficial Assassin
- The Solitary Bee
- The Solitary Male Bee
Thanks for reading :)