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Become a PatronMatilda the Praying Mantis
Matilda and the Ootheca
The Assassin Bug (Part 1)
The Assassin Bug (Part 2 )
The Life Cycle of a Green Lacewing
Aphid Problem?
The Ladybug
The Whitefly Battle
The Early Life of the Praying Mantis
The Minute Pirate Bug
Surviving Valentine's Day
Feed Me!
The Earthworm
The Spots of a Ladybug
Parasitoid Wasps
The Eyes of a Mantis
The Hoverfly (Part 1)
The Hoverfly (part 2)
Attracting the Hoverfly
Attracting Green Lacewing
the Bee
The Assassin Bug (Part 3)
The Beneficial Assassin
The Solitary Bee
The Solitary Male Bee
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Check out the animated version on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tV7oTKKZBnM