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- Gotta Pee? NOPE.
- Movie Deaths
- Listen to Your Parents
- When They Doesn't Respond
- The 3 Worst Things in the World
- The 3 Most Useless Things in the World
- Pineapple
- Watching Disney Movies: Kids Vs. Adults
- The Best Hiders in The World
- Battle Royale Games
- Fears: Kids Vs. Adults
- Voting Time!
- Let's Talk
- Skill Isn't Everything
- Ducks & Random Crap
- Facts Verse Presents
- It's Almost July!
- Why Milk?
- Thank You!
- XBox or Play Station ( Plus Link to Part 1 of The Collab!)
- Water Parks: Reality (Collab)
- Thinking of Ideas
- Buying Stuff: Useful Vs. Useless
- Make This The Most Liked Webtoon Ever
- When I Forget to Add Text After Drawing The Character
- Failing to Do Things
- Failing to do Things Part 2
- Geography Test
- Things I Can't Draw
- Things That I Can't Draw Part 2
- Different Types of Art
- Whenever I Play Minecraft
- Buying Movie Tickets
- Procrastination Equals...
- When I Want To Draw
- The Basic Steps of Any Extracurricular Activity
- Happy Fourth of July!
- Homework: Normal People Vs. Me
- My Sleep Schedule
- I'm Lazy (Also I Made This On Sketchpad)
- Reading Webtoons
- Math Class: The Two Types Of People
- The Two Versions of Me
- Stories: Original Vs. Fanfiction
- My Self Esteem
- Random Thoughts: Part 1
- Random Thoughts: Part 2
- 50th Episode!!!
- Random Thoughts: Part 3
- Random Thoughts: Part 4
- Puzzles: Most People Vs. Me
- Superheroes
- Sorry
- So Apparently
- Happy B-Day to me...
- Parenting 101
- Watching Minecraft
- Heads Up...
- How to Cook
- Ned
- What If
- Height
- Hey
- Favorites
- My Anxiety
- See You Later
- I'm Back! (yaaaay....)
- What I've Been Doing
- The Raid: Expectations (Collab)
- The Origin of Ned
- Thx For 5000 Views
- E U R O B E A T
- ...
- Lies
- Joy
- Feild Trips
- Spooktober
- 50 SUBS
- Being Sick
- Inception
- Internal and External Strength
- School Calculus and Taxes
- Color
- Food Labels
- Gardening
- Ok Boomer
- Different Types of Ned
- Corona Time
- Vegan Elitism
- Quarantine
- Epic Minceraft Troll
- Old Games
- Episode 100... Part 1!
- Episode 100... Part 2!
- Birbday, again
- I'm Sorry
- It's Doggo Time
- Theifing
- Episode 100 Part 3!
- Fish Mafia
- Episode 100... Part 4!
- Small Brain Amoong us Logic
- No Creepers Here
- Dad jokes i think
- poor snek
- Cursed ned
- Remake of episode 1
- Pepsi
- How was your weekend?
- ez
- Grammar Police
- Filling water bottles
- Cooking
- Clothes
- We did it bois
- i did a thing
- "you're so gifted"
- just basketball
- Smoking
- swimmin
- yellow starburst
What would the currency of fish be? You would probably say food, but it's not like humans pay each other in Big-Macs. Humans pay each other in currency that was made by us. So assuming that fish become the humans of the Earth, would they make their own money? If so, what would they make it out of? What. Is. Fish. Money. Made. Out. Of. I N E E D T O K N O W