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Austria Issue #1
Austria Issue #2
Austria Issue #3
Austria Issue #4
Doctor Austria #1
Austria Issue #5
Austria Issue #6
Doctor Austria #2
Austria Issue #7
The End of Doctor Austria?
Austria Issue #8
Schedule Announcement
Austria Issue #9
Austria Issue #10
Austria Issue #11
Doctor Austria #3
Austria Issue #12
Austria Issue #13
Austria #14
Austria Issue #15
Austria Issue #16
Austria Issue #17 Just a Bit Late
The Return of The Doctor
Austria Issue #18/Cringe
Potential New Art/Notice
I'm Really Back Now Sorry Lads
Quick Update
News (Sorry for leaving for so long)
Yet Another Quick Announcement
Sorry for the late comic, had a lot of work last week and this week. I'll make sure that the next one is on time or as close to schedule as possible. Enjoy the comic meine Freunde!