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- Carpenter.
- Campers
- Bank On It.
- sleddy for this dog of a joke?
- Looking for sweet puns? Keep moving...
- All jokes 100% stolen.
- Goblin School Alumni.
- Got yer goat
- Like music to a Dad's ears...
- Fangs for everything
- Dragon Hunting 101...
- Save the date makers...
- Broomer has it...
- So that's why they only have their picnic once a year....
- Digging deep for this one...
- Saw it coming...
- The ayes have it...
- I don't have time for your "Rules"...
- More than just a pretty set of teeth...
- Highest quality jokes...
- Y'all who is without sin can throw the first stone...
- Back to school special
- Now with more calcium...
- Pretty flimsy. . .
- A colorful time was had by all...
- That's the way the cookie crumbles...
- A blizzard of laffs . . .
- A galaxy of pain. . .
- Magnifying your agony....
- Their droppings are the worst part. . .
- Rated G unless you explain it...
- So that's what it looks like...
- Party on contest winners...
- Steal yourself for this one...
- None of that watered down humor, no humor at all . . .
- Don't look now...
- King Under the Mountain Sized Halloween Special
- Each one more cheesy than the last...
- He doesn't smell at all...
- Where is the Color Guard when you need one...
- Failed a sanity check...
- A funbuck and a dream...
- Arrr -n't you glad there are only two a week?
- Jokes so bad it's no wonder we're #1...
- Waiting for the other Shoe-kin to drop...
- Clangdel never saw this one coming. . .
- Seeing and still not believing this is a comic...
- No one wants to see how the sausage is made...
- critically "acclaimed" . . .
- Clangdel gets cheeky. . .
- If loving these bad jokes is wrong, I don't want to be write
- It's the first sign of trouble in paradise. . .
- Finally a day with no jokes. . .
- Groans son, groans in every color of the rainbow. . .
- The very definition of bad jokes . . .
- Ain't these tears in my beards telling you. . .
- All jokes in good taste. . .
- Jokes made to bug you...
- More trouble, less paradise . . .
- This could be the end . . .
- Leather or not you like vegan products you'll hate this joke
- Weenie run anyone?
- A fishy joke to be sure. . .
- Wash, Rinse, Groan, Repeat . . .
- A subject verbs into a noun . . .
- A Trilogy of Terrible Jokes
- Jokes by flakes. . .
- Board? Try putting a pin in it. . .
- A hairy tale to be sure...
- Since you left me, and you said goodbye...
- Finally some good news. . .
- On the hot-seat. . .
- Miss Me?
- It's a hot look...
- I'd love to tell you this is the last straw...
- A boney issue...
- Clangdel should be more careful with the ammunition . . .
- Digging Deep...
- Good Joke Diet
- Like a poor marksman...
- Fairy sure there are no Pixie puns in this one...
- Exactly how unfunny this is may be splitting hairs . . .
- Waiter, this joke tastes bad...
- Never been cool...
- Nome one likes fantasy racism
- Fat laughs, no.
- Lets have a big hand for this update...
- Science Fiction Day Special
- Featuring jokes that won't hold water.
- The study of ancient jokes.
- I yield for bad puns.
- The best defense against bad jokes...
- Here with the scoop.
Jokes so bad, it'll ruin your appetite.