Upcoming Update to Our Comment Moderation System 11.05.2021

To the WEBTOON Community,


We have carefully listened to your feedback regarding​ the comment system and how to create a safe and positive space for our creators and readers on WEBTOON.​ We want to assure the WEBTOON community that we take your concerns seriously and improvements to comment moderation have been in development.


Our teams have prioritized our resources​ to address the necessary changes to our comment moderation tools as recommended by our community.


The first feature to be released will allow CANVAS creators to remove inappropriate comments from their series and block abusive users. This improvement to our comment feature will take some time to implement due to the structure of our platform. We anticipate the feature to be available to CANVAS creators in December 2021, with improvements to the ORIGINALS comment system to follow.


Thank you for your patience as we prioritize these changes and work to provide them to you as soon as possible. As always, we value your feedback​. You can reach us at Thank you for being a part of our community!